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Anticorruption in the Health Sector: Strategies for Transparency and Accountability

Taryn Vian, William D. Savedoff, and Harald Mathisen, editors
A brief, readable field guide, Anticorruption in the Health Sector brings practical experience to bear on anticorruption approaches tailored specifically to health. The contributors, all skilled practitioners, address the consequences of different types of corruption and show how agencies can more effectively address these challenges as an integral part of their development work. Both practitioner  More >

Apples of Gold in Filigrees of Silver: Jewish Writing in the Eye of the Spanish Inquisition

Colbert I. Nepaulsingh
During the Spanish Inquisition, daring individuals defied and thwarted persecution by writing works in which hidden meanings were apparent only to Jews or fellow conversos, the descendants of Jewish converts to Christianity. Colbert Nepaulsingh analyzes three seminal, sixteenth-century novels as converso works—Lazarillo, a prototype of the picaresque novel; El Abencerraje, of the Moorish  More >

Arab Elites: Negotiating the Politics of Change

Volker Perthes, editor
The recent deaths of four long-term heads of state in the Arab world heralded important changes, as political power passed from one generation to the next. Shedding light on these changes, Arab Elites explores the attitudes and political agendas of the new leadership emerging throughout the region.   A strong analytical framework informs the authors' discussion of elites in Algeria,  More >

Arab Versus European: Diplomacy and War in Nineteenth-Century East Central Africa

Norman R. Bennett
This major work analyzes competition between followers of two major world religions for mastery of the east central region of Africa. Bennett meticulously traces the process by which European economic and political rivalry with the Muslim rulers of east central Africa became transformed into a holy war against the Arabs. Bennett documents these complex relationships through three stages of  More >

Arabian Love Poems, new edition

Nizar Kabbani, translated by Bassam K. Frangieh and Clementina R.Brown
Nizar Kabbani’s poetry has been described as "more powerful than all the Arab regimes put together" (Lebanese Daily Star). Reflecting on his death in 1998, Sulhi Al-Wadi wrote (in Tishreen), "Qabbani is like water, bread, and the sun in every Arab heart and house. In his poetry the harmony of the heart, and in his blood the melody of love". Arabian Love Poems is the first  More >

Arabs and Israelis: A Diaglogue

Saul Friedlander and Mamoud Hussein, translated by Paul Auster and moderated by Jean Lacouture

Archie Mafeje

Bongani Nyoka
Noted for his academic prowess, quick wit, and tireless struggle both for pan-Africanist ideals and for the political emancipation of South Africans living under apartheid, Archie Mafeje has been hailed as a giant not only as a thinker, but also as a human being. His work addressed a broad range of issues critical to sub-Saharan Africa, among them agrarian reform, democracy, the politics of  More >

Arctic Exceptionalism: Cooperation in a Contested World

Barry Scott Zellen
For some three centuries, the Arctic region has been a zone of collaborative governance. The interests of diverse sovereign states, indigenous peoples, NGOs, and other stakeholders have been aligned—even during periods of global conflict. Now, however, these consensus-based foundations are being tested. In Arctic Exceptionalism, Barry Scott Zellen considers: What explains the enduring  More >

Argentina: Illusions and Realities, Second Edition

Gary W. Wynia
Throughout his thought-provoking assessment of Argentina, Gary W. Wynia offers and informed and sensitive view of a nation of wealth, pride, and sophistication that finds itself severely challenged in its attempt so achieve is goals, regardless of who is in charge. Among the topicsWynia covers are the causes and consequences of terrorism, repression, and war; the barriers to economic revoery; and  More >

Argentina’s Foreign Policy: Domestic Politics and Democracy Promotion in the Americas

Ana Margheritis
Why would a state commit to foreign policy actions that do not appear to have relevance to its national interests? And what can we learn from Argentina’s extensive involvement in democracy promotion in the Americas? Addressing these related questions, Ana Margheritis explores the interaction of presidential power, regional issues, and domestic instability in the shaping of Argentina's  More >
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