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Good Intentions: Pledges of Aid for Postconflict Recovery

Shepard Forman and Stewart Patrick, editors
This comparative study assesses the causes—and consequences—of failures to fulfill pledges of aid to postconflict societies. In each of six case studies, the coauthors (drawn from both donor states and recipient countries), evaluate multilateral efforts to support sustainable recovery and peacebuilding in societies emerging from protracted violence. They first establish the timing,  More >

Promoting Reproductive Health: Investing in Health for Development

Shepard Forman and Romita Ghosh, editors
The aim of the research underpinning this volume was threefold: to determine how countries understand and are acting on the Programme of Action endorsed by the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994; how efforts to implement that program can be assessed; and what is needed to move forward. The resulting case studies help also to answer broader questions  More >

Subnationalism in Africa: Ethnicity, Alliances, and Politics

Joshua B. Forrest
The trend toward subnationalist autonomy—and away from the development of singular, state-centric political systems based on the Western model—is one of the most striking phenomena in Africa today. Joshua Forrest analyzes the expansion of ethnic subnationalist movements in the postcolonial period, the reasons behind their growth, and their implications for African politics. Forrest  More >

Mauritania: The Struggle for Democracy

Noel Foster
Why did a clique of Mauritanian officers risk their lives to overthrow the autocrat they had served for twenty years, only to cede power to an elected civilian? And having won acclaim for their commitment to a process of democratic transition, why did most of these officers join a year later to overthrow the newly elected president? Had the international community been fooled by a military  More >

The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty

Frederick Fourie, editor
The outcome of a four-year research project, this collaborative work draws on both quantitative and qualitative evidence to demonstrate the contributions of South Africa's informal sector. The informal sector provides a livelihood for some 2.5 million South Africans—one in every six South Africans who work. Informal enterprises with employees provide about 850,000 paid jobs, almost  More >

German Women in the Nineteenth Century

John C. Fout, editor
This penetrating collection of essays represents the most sophisticated research undertaken in an important and long-neglected area of scholarship. Bringing together for the first time contributions by American and European specialists, German Women in the Nineteenth Century not only helps us understand more fully how German women of all classes, religions, and shades of political opinion lived,  More >

Popular Movements and Political Change in Mexico

Joe Foweraker and Ann L. Craig, editors
In just twenty years, popular movements have changed the face of Mexican politics, as organized groups of peasants, teachers, city dwellers, women, and students have crowded into the political arena to pose new challenges to the old order of political cooptation and control. Assessing the overall political significance of this effervescence, the contributors to this book focus on the interactions  More >

Polity: Demystifying Democracy in Latin America and Beyond

Joe Foweraker
Amidst the many lamentations about the problems of democracy, Joe Foweraker turns his attention to specific questions: Is democracy incompatible with stark social inequalities? Why are so many democratic governments deemed unaccountable and beset by populist pressures? Perhaps most fundamentally, why does democratic theory have no answers to these questions? Foweraker argues that finding  More >

Democracy and Its Discontents in Latin America

Joe Foweraker and Dolores Trevizo, editors
Why is there so much discontent with democracy across Latin America? Are regimes being judged by unrealistic standards of success—or is there legitimate cause for criticism in light of  widespread failures to deliver either transparency or effective public policies? Addressing these questions across a variety of dimensions, the authors explore the diverse ways in which the specific  More >

The Roots of Somali Political Culture

M.J. Fox
The fragmentation of the former Somali Democratic Republic into three distinctive entities, together with the events that have ensued since then, make for a complex political puzzle that raises a plethora of questions.  M.J. Fox explores some of the most fundamental of those questions: Have the "three Somalias" of today always been as disparate as they are now? How deeply rooted are  More >
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