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Puerto Rico: Negotiating Development and Change

James L. Dietz
In the midst of significantly changing economic and political relations with the United States, Puerto Rico is struggling to find a new—and effective—development path. James Dietz examines the island's contemporary development trajectory, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis.   Dietz considers where Puerto Rico's economy is today, why, and how its  More >

A Concise History of the European Union

Desmond Dinan
What explains the remarkable evolution of the European Union since its emergence in the early 1990s? How has the EU coped with a series of severe shocks, ranging from the euro crisis to Brexit to Russia's invasion of Ukraine? How is it dealing with the rise of illiberal democracy in some of its member states? And why is it more contested, while at the same time more relevant, than ever  More >

Encyclopedia of the European Union, Updated Edition

Desmond Dinan, editor
The Encyclopedia of the European Union provides in-depth, authoritative discussions of the key concepts, developments, institutions, policies, negotiations, treaties, national interests, personalities, etc., related to European integration. The more than seven hundred easily accessible entries, written by internationally recognized scholars, cover virtually every aspect of the European Union.  More >

Europe Recast: A History of European Union, 2nd edition

Desmond Dinan
Thoroughly revised to reflect a decade of recent history—and incorporating newly available archival material and the latest scholarship—Europe Recast tells the story of European integration from its modern origins in the 1940s to the challenges of today. The book is an essential guide to unraveling the complexity of the EU system in the context of modern European history.  More >

Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration, 4th edition

Desmond Dinan
In the years since the third edition of Ever Closer Union was published, the EU saw the ratification and implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, further enlargement, leadership changes, policy reforms, enduring Euroskepticism, an ever-growing global role, and more—all of which is reflected in this fully revised and updated new edition. Retaining its familiar three part  More >

Development and Advocacy: Development in Practice

Deborah Eade, editor, with an introduction by Maria Teresa Diokno-Pascual
Complete book information to come.  More >

China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic

Lowell Dittmer and George T. Yu, editors
With China's rise as a major player in international affairs, how have its policies toward developing countries changed? And how do those policies now fit with its overall foreign policy goals? This timely book explores the complexities of China's evolving relationship with the developing world. The authors first examine the political and economic implications of China's efforts to  More >

Inventing Public Diplomacy: The Story of the U.S. Information Agency

Wilson P. Dizard Jr.
Public diplomacy—the uncertain art of winning public support abroad for one's government and its foreign policies—constitutes a critical instrument of U.S. policy in the wake of the Bush administration's recent military interventions and its renunciation of widely accepted international accords. Wilson Dizard Jr. offers the first comprehensive account of public  More >

Guns and Butter: The Political Economy of International Security

Peter Dombrowski, editor
Reflecting the growing interest among scholars and practitioners in the relationship between security affairs and economics, this new volume explores the nature of that relationship in the first decade of the 21st century.   Among the issues addressed in the book are the impact of the events of September 11 and of the US response. The authors also consider whether the challenges of the  More >

The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action

Antonio Donini, editor
A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! The authors of this book take a long view—starting with the origins of organized humanitarianism in the mid-nineteenth century—to examine whether the politicization of aid has achieved its desired objectives, and whether the recent dramatic growth of relief work has made humanitarian efforts vulnerable to greater  More >
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