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The Failure of Democracy in the Republic of Congo

John F. Clark
Why did the democratic experiment launched in the Republic of Congo in 1991 fail so dramatically in 1997? Why has it not been seriously resumed since then? In tackling these complex questions, John Clark provides a thorough analysis of more than fifteen years of Congolese politics. Clark explores a series of logical hypotheses regarding why democracy failed to take root in Congo, moving from  More >

Political Identity and African Foreign Policies

John F. Clark, editor
Although all African states suffer the same peripheral status in world politics, they display variation in their foreign policies. How can we account for this variation? What role, if any, do the political identities of ruling elites play? Can patterns be seen in personalist vs. one-party dominant vs. multiparty regimes? The authors of Political Identity and African Foreign Policies address these  More >

Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds

Marisol Clark-Ibáñez
Though often overlooked in heated debates, nearly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants are under the age of 18. How do immigration policies shape the lives of these young people? How do local and state laws that are seemingly unrelated to undocumented communities negatively affect them? Marisol Clark-Ibáñez delivers an intimate look at growing up as an undocumented Latino immigrant,  More >

Taiwan’s Political Economy: Meeting Challenges, Pursuing Progress

Cal Clark and Alexander C. Tan
Taiwan's economic and political transformation was once considered a model for developing nations, but in recent decades, the momentum has stalled. Why? Cal Clark and Alexander Tan explain the country's paradoxical political economy, tracing its achievements and exploring its challenges. The authors appraise Taiwan's hard-won accomplishments—a legitimate democracy and a  More >

Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies, 2nd edition

Ronald V. Clarke, editor

Crime Prevention Studies, Volume 1

Ronald V. Clarke, editor
This book series publishes theoretical and empirical research on reducing opportunities for crime. Until recently, this topic was of minor importance in criminology because opportunity was thought to determine not whether crime occurred, but only the time and place of its occurrence. However, after disillusionment set in first with the rehabilitation and deterrence of offenders in the 1960s and  More >

Crime Prevention Studies, Volume 2

Ronald V. Clarke, editor
This volume of Crime Prevention Studies includes a mix of empirical and theoretical studies.  More >

Crime Prevention Studies, Volume 3

Ronald V. Clarke, editor
The nine chapters in this volume of Crime Prevention Studies are organized into sections on crime analysis, evaluation, theory, and implementation.  More >

Preventing Mass Transit Crime

Ronald V. Clarke, editor
An anthology presents 8 previously unpublished studies on the use of situational crime prevention in urban mass transit systems. Marcus Felson et al.'s evaluation of 1991-1992 modifications in New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal—involving situational prevention combined with environmental measures—indicates that the changes made the huge complex much less of a crime  More >

Designing Out Crime from Products and Systems

Ronald V. Clarke and Graeme R. Newman
From tamper-proof seals to cell phones that prevent theft-of-service, it has been proven that modifying products can reduce or even eliminate specific categories of crime. The contributors to this volume argue that both the corporate sector and governments must develop research and development capacities in order to take more active roles in modifying even more criminogenic products.  More >
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