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Crime Mapping and Crime Prevention

David Weisburd and Tom McEwen, editors
Explores recent advances in the uses of crime mapping in prevention programs and in criminological research. Case examples illustrate the benefits of crime mapping for community policing and crime control programs in Baltimore, Boston, British Columbia, Jersey City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other jurisdictions.  More >

NGOs, the UN, and Global Governance

Thomas G. Weiss and Leon Gordenker, editors
A comprehensive exploration of the role of nongovernmental organizations in the international arena, this collection examines the full range of NGO relationships and actions. The authors first outline the aims and scope of NGOs and suggest a systematic way of thinking about their activities. These conceptual notions underlie Part 2 of the book, five case studies focusing on NGOs vis-a-vis  More >

The Suffering Grass: Superpowers and Regional Conflict in Southern Africa and the Caribbean

Thomas G. Weiss and James G. Blight, editors
Detailed case studies of conflicts in the Caribbean Basin (including Central America) and Southern Africa provide insights into the origins and the eventual resolution of Third World strife and instability. Each region provides raw material for in-depth evaluations of the superpowers' roles in fueling conflicts and, more recently, in helping to wind down long-standing wars. The authors also  More >

Collective Security in a Changing World

Thomas G. Weiss, editor
This volume analyzes institutional mechanisms in the United Nations and in regional organizations that exist to deal with threats to the peace, and also examines what the U.S. response should be to the evolving opportunity to strengthen collective security. The numerous theoretical and practical problems of guaranteeing international security in the 1990s provide the substance for analysis by  More >

Development Challenges Confronting Pakistan

Anita M. Weiss and Saba Gul Khattak, editors
Although scholars and practitioners have identified explicit structural impediments that constrain countries' efforts to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable social development, there has been limited research conducted to identify the specific barriers to development that prevail in Pakistan today. The authors of Development Challenges Confronting Pakistan go far toward filling this  More >

International Relations: From the Cold War to the Globalized World

Andreas Wenger and Doron Zimmermann
Tracing the evolution of international relations since the onset of the Cold War, the authors of this innovative textbook draw on recently available archival resources to vividly narrate world affairs from 1945 to the present. Events are addressed chronologically, with attention to both their motivations and their significance. The focus is on issues of security in the very broadest sense,  More >

Bioterrorism: Confronting a Complex Threat

Andreas Wenger and Reto Wollenmann, editors
Especially since the anthrax attacks of 2001, the issue of bioterrorism has been controversial: Are governments underestimating the potential hazard of biological toxins, as some claim, or is the danger in fact exaggerated? What are the policy options for dealing with such a complex threat? The authors of this book offer a reasoned assessment of the issues at the core of the  More >

Conflict Prevention: The Untapped Potential of the Business Sector

Andreas Wenger and Daniel Möckli
Despite intensive international efforts in the area of conflict prevention, there is still little agreement about how civil wars might best be averted. And, as the news regularly reminds us, the many attempts at preventive action have not been strikingly successful. The authors of Conflict Prevention offer a new perspective, arguing that such efforts could be much more effective if they  More >

Being Female: The Continuum of Sexualization

Jennifer K. Wesely
It is often said that sex sells, but who pays the price? Jennifer Wesely probes the sources and consequences of sexualization in girls' and women's lives. Offering new insights into an enduring problem, she documents the increasingly pervasive and powerful nature of raunch culture and demonstrates how females are being sexualized in ways that are more extreme and damaging than ever  More >

Why Peace Processes Fail: Negotiating Insecurity After Civil War

Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
Why do so many post–civil war societies continue to be characterized by widespread violence and political instability? Or, more succinctly, why do peace processes so often fail to consolidate peace? Addressing this question, Jasmine-Kim Westendorf explores how the international community engages in resolving civil wars—and clarifies why, despite the best of intentions and the  More >
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