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Peacebuilding Through Community-Based NGOs: Paradoxes and Possibilities

Max Stephenson and Laura Zanotti
Max Stephenson and Laura Zanotti explore the contested, but increasingly relevant, role that nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) play in resolving conflict and bringing about peace and security in the global arena. The authors draw on case studies from Haiti, Serbia, and Northern Ireland to highlight the range of ways that NGOs are involved in postconflict reconstruction efforts. In the  More >

Making Sense of International Relations Theory, 2nd edition

Jennifer Sterling-Folker, editor
What does it mean to adopt a realist, or a world systems, or a green approach to international relations? Does the plethora of "isms" have any relevance to the real world of global politics and policymaking? Making Sense of International Relations Theory addresses these questions by illustrating theories in action. With the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies as a common  More >

The International Political Economy of the Environment: Critical Perspectives

Dimitris Stevis and Valerie J. Assetto, editors
When considering the nature of environmental problems, many scholars and practitioners assume that—while there may be disagreement about solutions—we know what the problems are. In contrast, the authors of this volume investigate the framing of both problems and solutions to clarify the particular political dynamics and preferences that they reflect and legitimate. They test their  More >

Activism Against AIDS: At the Intersections of Sexuality, Race, Gender, and Class

Brett C. Stockdill
AIDS has claimed the lives of more than 400,000 people in the United States, becoming the focus of intense social activism. Brett Stockdill reveals that people living with HIV/AIDS are often multiply oppressed—women of color, for example—and explores how interlocking oppressions fragment activism and thus impede AIDS prevention and intervention. Demonstrating that a unified approach to  More >

Taiwan: The Development of an Asian Tiger

Hans Stockton and Yao-Yuan Yeh, eds.
How did Taiwan transform itself from a "least developed country" into an Asian Tiger? How did it become a successful, multiparty democracy after years of authoritarian rule? Why do its relations with China and the US remain critical? The authors address these questions as they assess Taiwan's trajectory since 1949 in the political, economic, and social spheres. They also consider  More >

Humanitarian Alert: NGO Information and its Impact on US Foreign Policy

Abby Stoddard
Do humanitarian NGOs function as autonomous—and even influential—nonstate actors with their own value-driven agendas? Or do they serve merely as the paid agents of national governments, providing a service-delivery function in line with those nations' foreign policy goals? Shedding light on this often-contentious issue, Abby Stoddard uses examples of US policy in the conflicts in  More >

Political Parties Matter: Realignment and the Return of Partisan Voting

Jeffrey M. Stonecash
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! After years of decline, why has party attachment become a strong force once again in US politics? Jeffrey Stonecash argues that the recent resurgence of partisanship is but the latest chapter in a larger story of party realignment —a story that reaffirms the centrality of political parties. Stonecash marshals rich data from more than a century of elections  More >

The Transformation of the Republican Party

Jeffrey M. Stonecash
It is undisputed that the Republican Party has changed dramatically since the 1940s and '50s. But the exact nature of that change—and how it came to be—remain subject to debate. Jeffrey Stonecash meticulously assesses the cumulative effect of a range of contentious issues in US politics to shed light on the decisions that party leaders have made to attract voters, the essence of  More >

Party Politics and the Prospects for Democracy in North Africa

Lise Storm
What are the prospects for democracy in North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring? Addressing that question, Lise Storm provides a rich analysis of party politics in the region. Storm focuses on Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria, examining the key characteristics and political dynamics of each country's party system as they have evolved over time. Her research sheds light not only on the  More >

God's Angry Babies [a novel]

Ian G. Strachan
This coming-of-age novel by the accomplished Bahamian writer Ian G. Strachan traces the life of Tree Bodie as he grows up in the Yellow and White House and the nameless streets of Pompey Village, far (though not in distance) from the sanitized world of Santa Maria's luxury hotels. Against the backdrop of the internal struggles of a Caribbean island nation, Strachan tells the story of  More >
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