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Edge of the Diaspora: Two Centuries of Jewish Settlement in Australia, Second Revised Edition

Suzanne D. Rutland
Suzanne Rutland charts the vibrant history of the Australian Jewish community from its convict origins through the turmoil of the twentieth century.  More >

Jordan in Transition: From Hussein to Abdullah

Curtis R. Ryan
Jordan in Transition offers a cogent and compelling analysis of the country's domestic and international politics. Ryan argues that there have been four dramatic transitions in Jordan's recent past: ambitious economic restructuring, efforts toward political liberalization, realignments in foreign relations (culminating in the 1994 peace agreement with Israel), and the succession of King  More >

Gender in the Middle East and North Africa: Contemporary Issues and Challenges

J. Michael Ryan and Helen Rizzo, editors
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! The role of gender in the Middle East and North Africa is widely discussed—but often little understood. Seeking to close that gap, the authors of this comprehensive study explore a wide range of issues related to gender in the region as they have been unfolding since the Arab Spring.  More >

Sanctioning Religion?: Politics, Law, and Faith-Based Public Services

David K. Ryden and Jeffrey Polet, editors
Does federal funding of a church's welfare-to-work program constitute government endorsement of a particular religion? Do religious organizations that accept public funds lose the legal autonomy needed to preserve their religious identity and mission? Wading into the constitutional battle over whether government can/should enlist the help of religious organizations in delivering social  More >

Girls and Violence: Tracing the Roots of Criminal Behavior

Judith A. Ryder
Seeking to better understand the processes that push teenage girls to acts of criminal violence, Judith Ryder explores the relationship between disrupted emotional bonds and violent delinquency. Ryder draws on intimate interviews to show how teenage girls navigate experiences of abuse, emotional loss, and parental abandonment, revealing how their violent acts become a means of connecting with  More >

Rebuilding Arab Defense: US Security Cooperation in the Middle East

Bilal Y. Saab
After decades of US military assistance in the Middle East—providing expensive weapons systems and conducting military exercises—why are the military capabilities of US allies in the region still lacking? Why does it matter? And what can be done to remedy the status quo? Bilal Saab addresses these vexing questions through a set of in-depth case studies. Identifying the pitfalls of  More >

Sustaining European Monetary Union: Confronting the Cost of Diversity

Tal Sadeh
The tranquility of the European Union's transition to the euro in 1999 contrasted dramatically with the preceding tumultuous decades of exchange rate crises and political upheavals. But have the EU member states in fact converged sufficiently to make monetary union a stable alternative? Or is EMU an institutional lid on a simmering pot of diverse economies, in which tensions are building to a  More >

Never Too Late to Remember: The Politics Behind New York City’s Holocaust Museum

Rochelle G. Saidel
Why did New York City, the largest center of Jewish culture and home to more survivors than any other city in the United States, take more than half a century to finalize plans for its Holocaust memorial? Rochelle Saidel offers a detailed analysis of how local power brokers, real estate developers, major political players, and various groups within the national Jewish community    More >

Rethinking Corporate Social Engagement: Lessons From Latin America

Lester M. Salamon
Lester Salamon assesses the reality behind the "corporate social engagement" hype in Latin America, examining what forms CSE is taking, how it is being implemented, why businesses chose to participate, variations among countries in their approaches to partnerships between businesses and civil society, and whether CSE has had any positive impact. His brief, accessible book shows how civil  More >

Global Civil Society, Volume Two: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector

Lester M. Salamon and S. Wojciech Sokolowski, editors
In Volume Two of Global Civil Society, the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project continues the comprehensive overview of the scope, size, composition, and financing of the nonprofit, or civil society, sector in the developing  as well as the developed world. Covering thirty-six countries—fourteen in depth—with a particular focus on Africa, Asia, and the Middle East,  More >
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