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The Challenge of Institutional Reform in Mexico

Riordan Roett, editor
The Salinas administration's reforms in Mexico generated both widespread attention and a host of questions. This book addresses those questions, examining the impact of the recent reforms on the state's relations with key social and political actors—labor, the peasantry, business, political parties, and the church—and assessing reform initiatives in the areas of education,  More >

Mexico's Private Sector: Recent History, Future Challenges

Riordan Roett, editor
Mexico’s private sector continues to confront challenges imposed not only by reforms in the country’s economic and political systems, but also by demands of the international economic community for transparent and fair business dealings. In this book, scholars and business leaders examine the responses to these challenges, weighing the goals of economic reform against its results,  More >

Mercosur: Regional Integration, World Markets

Riordan Roett, editor
This timely volume describes the origins of Mercosur, South America’s dynamic and successful regional integration project, as well as the issues still to be tackled regarding the trade bloc’s expansion, the challenges to its transition from a customs union to the “Common Market of the South,” and its relations with other trade groups and countries (particularly the European  More >

Latin America in a Changing Global Environment

Riordan Roett and Guadalupe Paz, editors
Considering Latin America's emerging challenges and opportunities in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the authors examine key political, economic, and security concerns in the region. They focus both on the changing dynamics within the Western Hemisphere and on Latin America's evolving relationships with international actors and institutions.  More >

Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa

Michael Rogan
In South Africa—with one of highest rates of youth unemployment and one of the most unequal societies in the world—training and education play critical roles in helping young people escape poverty and unemployment. Within this context, offering insights about the ways that young South Africans navigate through a host of postschool training and education options, the contributors to  More >

Race, Ethnicity, and Power in Ecuador: The Manipulation of Mestizaje

Karem Roitman
How do today's Latin American elites understand and relate to ideas of power, race, ethnicity, and mestizaje? And what impact does that understanding have on the dynamics of socioeconomic development in ethnically mixed societies? Focusing on the case of Ecuador—a country struggling to recast its mestizo identity in the aftermath of dramatic indigenous uprisings—Karem Roitman  More >

The Change Imperative: Creating the Next Generation NGO

Paul David Ronalds
Paul David Ronalds draws on his experience as deputy CEO of World Vision Australia to offer a practical guide for international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) as they face the challenges of the Twenty-First century. Covering such concrete issues as advocacy, finance, technology, and human resources, as well as the more ambiguous areas of legitimacy and state sovereignty, his book is  More >

Globalization and Change in Asia

Dennis A. Rondinelli and John M. Heffron, editors
Globalization and Change in Asia explores three decades of adjustment on the part of governments, civil society, and the private sector to the complex new forces of international competition. Recognizing that the benefits of globalization have not accrued equally to all Asian countries, nor to all stratums of society, the authors seek lessons that can help shape development policy to effect the  More >

Reinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century: State Capacity in a Globalizing Society

Dennis A. Rondinelli and G. Shabbir Cheema, editors
The authors of Reinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century meld theory with practice to offer sound advice for public leaders and administrators who seek to create the structures and processes needed to increase state capacity and benefit from participation in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world.  More >

Leadership for Development: What Globalization Demands of Leaders Fighting for Change

Dennis A. Rondinelli and John M. Heffron
Leadership for Development examines fundamental issues: the tools leaders use to achieve development goals; how culture and interdependence among governments and organizations affects leadership styles; where leaders get their advice from – experts, non-experts, academic or non-academic elites—and if it matters; whether transformational or transactional leadership styles are more  More >
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