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Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Debating the Gay Ban in the Military

Aaron Belkin and Geoffrey Bateman, editors
Conservatives and liberals agree that President Bill Clinton's effort to lift the military's gay ban was perhaps one of the greatest blunders of his tenure in office. Conservatives argue that Clinton should have left well enough alone; liberals believe that he should have ordered the military to accept homosexuals rather than agreeing to the compromise "don't ask, don't  More >

Building Rule of Law in the Arab World: Tunisia, Egypt, and Beyond

Eva Bellin and Heidi E. Lane, editors
How might Arab countries build the foundations for rule of law in the wake of prolonged authoritarian rule? What specific challenges do they confront? Are there insights to be gained from comparative analysis beyond the region? Exploring these questions, the authors of Building Rule of Law in the Arab World provide a theoretically informed, empirically rich account of key issues facing the  More >

Minorities and the State in the Arab World

Ofra Bengio and Gabriel Ben-Dor, editors
Questions of identity and ethnicity have always been part of the intricate web of politics in the Arab World, but the recent expansion of political participation has made these issues more political, more visible, and more acute. This book offers a comprehensive discussion of minorities and ethnic politics in eight Arab countries. Focusing on the strategic political choices made by minorities,  More >

The Kurds of Iraq: Building a State Within a State

Ofra Bengio
Ofra Bengio explores the dynamics of relations between the Kurds of Iraq and the Iraqi state from the inception of the Baath regime to the present. Bengio draws on a wealth of rich source materials to carefully trace the evolution of Kurdish national identity in Iraq. Dissecting the socioeconomic, political, and ideological transformations that Iraqi Kurdish society has undergone across some  More >

Africa and Europe: From Roman Times to National Independence, 2nd edition

Norman R. Bennett
Bennett emphasizes political history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, introducing economic, social, and other historical themes where appropriate. While he necessarily includes an extensive systematic account of the various modes of colonial rule, he makes a special effort to explore less well-known topics as well, such as the role of European-educated Africans in the formation of an  More >

Arab Versus European: Diplomacy and War in Nineteenth-Century East Central Africa

Norman R. Bennett
This major work analyzes competition between followers of two major world religions for mastery of the east central region of Africa. Bennett meticulously traces the process by which European economic and political rivalry with the Muslim rulers of east central Africa became transformed into a holy war against the Arabs. Bennett documents these complex relationships through three stages of  More >

Resolving International Conflicts: The Theory and Practice

Jacob Bercovitch, editor
Mediation is rapidly becoming one of the most important methods of settling conflicts in the post-Cold War world, practiced by virtually every actor and dealing with every conceivable issue in the relations between states. This book represents the most recent trends in and thinking about the process and practice of international mediation. A coherent, analytical, well-integrated text, complete  More >

Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars

Mats Berdal and David M. Malone, editors
Current scholarship on civil wars and transitions from war to peace has made significant progress in understanding the political dimensions of internal conflict, but the economic motivations spurring political violence have been comparatively neglected. This pathbreaking volume identifies the economic and social factors underlying the perpetuation of civil wars, exploring as well the economic  More >

Transnational Organized Crime and International Security: Business as Usual?

Mats Berdal and Mónica Serrano, editors
Though the provision of illicit goods and services is far from being a new phenomenon, today's global economic environment has allowed transnational organized crime an unprecedented capacity to challenge states. The authors of this book examine the trends underlying the explosion of transnational organized crime and consider possible responses. Emphasizing the difficulties encountered by  More >

Meeting the Employment Challenge: Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in the Global Economy

Janine Berg, Christoph Ernst, and Peter Auer
Arguing that economic policies in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico favor markets over institutions and the international economy over the domestic to the detriment of the workforce in those countries Meeting the Employment Challenge presents extensive evidence in support of placing employment concerns at the center of economic and social policies. The authors discuss the challenges the three  More >
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