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Warlord Politics and African States

William Reno
The dramatic reconfigurations of political authority taking place in Africa—what many term "warlordism" or "state failure"—call for an exploration of the origins of these changes, the likelihood of their durability, and their implications for the continent's regional system of states. Reno argues that the end of the Cold War as a particular configuration of the  More >

West German Filmmakers on Film: Visions and Voices

Eric Rentschler, editor
This book presents reflections on the New German Cinema by such prominent artists as Fassbinder, Kluge, and Syberberg. Positioning these filmmakers' statements within their historical and theoretical contexts in his introduction, he offers here what is in essence a running self-reflection by 50 West German filmmakers on German film.  More >

Peacebuilding: A Field Guide

Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, editors
A milestone in the search for sustainable peace, this handbook highlights the invaluable contributions of people working in the field. The authors clarify how fieldworkers "fit" in the overall peacebuilding process; provide details of the most effective practices; and offer guidelines for preparing for the field. Part 1 of the book introduces concepts and tools for sustainable  More >

Child of Two Worlds: The Autobiography of a Filipino-American ... or Vice-Versa

Norman Reyes, illustrated by Pete Sapasap
A richly detailed chronicle of a cross-cultural odyssey in the Philippines under U.S. colonial rule. The son of a Filipino father and a North American (Brooklyn-born) mother, Norman Reyes describes a childhood that was divided between two worlds—a mestizo life shaped by the violent drama of historical events. His fast-paced book builds in tension as the assumed safety of Philippine society  More >

The State of the European Union, Vol. 3: Building a European Polity?

Carolyn Rhodes and Sonia Mazey, editors
With the ratification of the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht) in 1993, a new era in the history of European integration emerged—an era that juxtaposes the principle of subsidiarity with widening membership, and that challenges member states to balance interests of sovereignty with wider European goals. This volume, the third in a biennial series, explores the implications of these  More >

The European Union in the World Community

Carolyn Rhodes, editor
Although the European Union as a supranational entity is the subject of much academic and policy analysis, there is little disagreement that the Union significantly shapes the policy orientations of member states toward one another. In the realm of foreign policy, however, the assessment of the EU's role in affecting or replacing member-state behavior is much more mixed. This volume analyzes  More >

Mainstreaming Microfinance: How Lending to the Poor Began, Grew, and Came of Age in Bolivia

Elisabeth Rhyne
Microcredit in Bolivia grew and became successful in only a decade, lifting an enormous segment of the country’s population into the financial mainstream in the process. The example of its high-achieving institutions charted a course for the development of the international microfinance field. In this gracefully written book, Elisabeth Rhyne brings the history of the microfinance movement to  More >

Democracy in Crisis: Why, Where, How to Respond

Roland Rich
Democracy is in crisis. After the hope engendered by the Third Wave, democracies around the world are beleaguered with threats from multiple sources. What are these threats? Where did they come from? And how can the challenges to democratic governance best be overcome? Grappling with these questions, Roland Rich interprets the danger signs that abound in the United States and Europe, in Asia  More >

Pacific Asia in Quest of Democracy

Roland Rich
What does democracy look like in Pacific Asia? Can democratic governance in the region survive the challenges of corruption, violence, and soft authoritarianism? What impact are economic pressures likely to have? These are among the broad questions tackled in Pacific Asia in Quest of Democracy, a comparative study of democratic structures and practices in Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea,  More >

Conversations with Carter

Don Richardson, editor
Jimmy Carter participated in more than two hundred interviews between 1976 and 1996. In the twenty-three conversations presented here, highly regarded interviewers lead President Carter to clarify his public stands and private beliefs.   The dialogue created through these encounters demonstrates the growth of a principled man, encapsulating the major debates and concerns of the last quarter  More >
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