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Fixing African Economies: Policy Research for Development

Lucie Colvin Phillips and Diery Seck, editors
When African countries embarked on the first round of structural adjustments in the 1980s and 1990s, there was little opportunity to first determine what programs would work where—instead, governments reluctantly implemented policies that were imposed by international financial institutions and based on theoretical models. The ensuing process was eventful—and the results  More >

A Fragile Balance: Re-examining the History of Foreign Aid, Security, and Diplomacy

Louis A. Picard and Terry F. Buss
Louis Picard and Terry Buss trace the history of US foreign aid from the earliest assumptions of manifest destiny to the present, placing their discussion within the context of broader foreign policy and security goals. Effectively combining policy and normative perspectives, their book serves as a provocative introduction to the subject.  More >

The Limits of Democratic Governance in South Africa

Louis A. Picard and Thomas Mogale
In the transition from apartheid rule to democratic governance in South Africa, what has been the impact on South African society at its base—on the people in the country's cities, towns, villages, and farms? Louis Picard and Thomas Mogale offer answers to this fundamental question, tracing historical trends and measuring change (or the lack of it) in the dynamic between the promise of  More >

Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs

Christopher Piening
The European Union (EU), though comprised of fifteen separate, sovereign states, is constrained by treaty to act "as one" in key areas. And as trader, investor, aid donor, and most recently, foreign-policy maker, it has come to play, in a very short time, a pivotal role on the world stage. This book offers a succinct summary of all of the EU's external activities—and of the  More >

Gambling Politics: State Government and the Business of Betting

Patrick A. Pierce and Donald E. Miller
Legalized gambling has spread like wildfire through the United States, with only Hawaii and Utah still prohibiting all of its forms. The reason? Gambling has become the method of choice for states in search of additional revenue: in 2002 alone, state lottery sales exceeded $42 billion, netting nearly $14 billion in "voluntary taxes." Gambling Politics examines this dramatic development  More >

Protest and Conflict in African Literature

Cosmo Pieterse and Donald Munro, editors

Reverse Discrimination: Dismantling the Myth

Fred L. Pincus
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! How pervasive is reverse discrimination in the United States today? What exactly is "affirmative action"? Fred Pincus investigates the nature and scope of reverse discrimination, questioning what effect affirmative action actually has on white men. Beginning with the early opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Pincus traces the evolution of the idea  More >

Understanding Diversity: An Introduction, 3rd edition

Fred L. Pincus and Bryan R. Ellis
What is diversity? How does prejudice show itself? What are the societal consequences of discrimination? Has anything changed over the past 50 years? These are just some of the questions addressed in Understanding Diversity, an introduction to the issues and controversies surrounding concepts of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. This new edition has been  More >

Democracy in the Third World, 2nd edition

Robert Pinkney
Thoroughly updating his widely acclaimed book on third world democracy, Pinkney incorporates provocative explorations of the influences of external forces, the roles of the state and civil society, and the varying trajectories of democratic consolidation (and decay).  More >

The US Military in Africa: Enhancing Security and Development?

Jessica Piombo, editor
Recent US security policy toward Africa has adopted a multidimensional approach—including the use of military assets to promote economic development and good governance—that has raised questions and generated considerable debate. Can actors like the US military develop appropriate methods to address both US and African interests? What blend of civilian and military programs are most  More >
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