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Reasons for Hope: Instructive Experiences in Rural Development

Anirudh Krishna, Norman Uphoff, and Milton J. Esman, editors
Eighteen of the world's most exemplary rural development successes from Africa, Asia, and Latin America are presented in the words of their originators and managers. This is a true story of hope that shows what can be done.  More >

International Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 3rd Edition

Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl, editors
Covering subjects ranging from treaties and dispute resolution to the environment, human rights, and terrorism, this anthology reveals the influence of international law on political behavior. The third edition has been updated with 13 new chapters that discuss emerging actors and structures, address the most pressing current issues, and consider the future evolution of the international legal  More >

Political Islam and Democracy in the Muslim World

Paul Kubicek
Belying assertions of the incompatibility of Islam and democracy, many Muslim-majority countries are now or have been democratic. Paul Kubicek draws on the experiences of those countries to explore the relationship between political manifestations of Islam and democratic politics. Kubicek's comparative analysis allows him to highlight the common features that create conditions amenable to  More >

Mobilizing Force: Linking Security Threats, Militarization, and Civilian Control

David Kuehn and Yagil Levy, editors
What leads a democratic government to use military force to counter a domestic or external threat? How does it legitimize this mobilization to its citizenry? And what is the significance for civilian control of the military? The authors of Mobilizing Force draw on case studies from around the world to systematically examine these critical questions, exploring the interrelationships among  More >

Decolonisation as Democratisation: Global Insights into the South African Experience

Siseko H. Kumalo, editor
The authors of this thought-provoking book explore the ways in which decolonization protects the democratic ideal of academic freedom—and at the same time caution against using that freedom to protect interests seeking to undermine the transformation of higher education. Basing their discussion on the South African experience, the authors emphasize the responsibility of scholars to ensure  More >

South Africa's Struggle for Independent Education: The African Methodist Episcopal Church and the History of the Wilberforce Institute

Vusumuzi Rodney Kumalo
At the start of the twentieth century, newly urbanized South Africans struggled with mainstream missionary education and its associated oppression, segregation, displacement, and not least, disillusionment. They shared far-reaching educational aspirations in the rapidly growing, cosmopolitan Johannesburg in the aftermath of the 1899–1902 war. Vusumuzi Kumalo's insightful narrative  More >

Promoting Independent Media: Strategies for Democracy Assistance

Krishna Kumar
Krishna Kumar surveys the nature and significance of international aid designed to build and strengthen independent news media in support of democratization and development. Providing the first comprehensive coverage of media assistance programs, Kumar discusses the evolution, focus, and overall impact of a range of intervention strategies. He also presents seven in-depth case studies based on  More >

Women and Civil War: Impact, Organization, and Action

Krishna Kumar, editor
Women typically do not remain passive spectators during a war, nor are they always its innocent victims; instead, they frequently take on new roles and responsibilities, participating in military and political struggles and building new networks in order to obtain needed resources for their families. Consequently, while civil war imposes tremendous burdens on women, it often contributes to the  More >

Evaluating Democracy Assistance

Krishna Kumar
With the international community providing billions of dollars each year to promote democratic institutions/cultures in transitional and developing countries, rigorous evaluations have become essential for determining the effectiveness, as well as the future direction, of democracy assistance programs. Krishna Kumar provides a unique, practical guide to the on-the-ground tasks of evaluating and  More >

Building Peace in Haiti

Chetan Kumar
Though its national life often has been characterized by violence, Haiti has not been victim of a full-fledged internal conflict, or civil war. Why, then, is the international community conducting "postconflict peacebuilding" operations there? Addressing that question, Chetan Kumar examines the course of international involvement in Haiti through the prism of the country's unique  More >
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