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Cozy Politics: Political Parties, Campaign Finance, and Compromised Governance

Peter Kobrak
Cozy politics, Peter Kobrak contends, is shredding the already fragile fabric of political rapport between citizens and their government. Exploring the insidious system that encourages elected officials to cooperate with their supposed opponents—rather than with their own constituents—he reveals the enormous power that wealthy donors and interest-group supporters wield over  More >

International Order: A Political History

Stephen A. Kocs
Where does international order come from? How is it established and maintained? Why does it break down? With every sovereign state its own master, how can order prevail? Answering these questions in a briskly paced, systematic survey, Stephen Kocs explores the rise and fall of successive international systems across the centuries—from the dynastic institutions of Renaissance Europe, to  More >

Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System

Deborah Koetzle and Shelley Johnson Listwan, editors
Drug courts—a rare success story in the criminal justice system—are generally credited with reducing recidivism and providing a lower-cost alternative to incarceration. They have also spawned the development of other specialty courts. The authors of Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System provide a comprehensive analysis of just how drug courts work, systematically examining the  More >

The Age of War: The United States Confronts the World

Gabriel Kolko
In this comprehensive, succinct—and provocative—overview of five decades of US foreign policy, Gabriel Kolko gives special emphasis to the period since 2000. Kolko argues that, as dangerous as the Cold War era was, we face far more instability and unpredictability now; the international environment is qualitatively more precarious than ever. Ranging from the Vietnam War to the war in  More >

A Jewish Mother From Berlin [a novel] and Susanna [a novella]

Gertrud Kolmar, translated from the German by Brigitte M. Goldstein
In these two extraordinary works, published posthumously, Gertrude Kolmar's elegiac prose transports us into her characters' rich inner worlds even as it depicts the cold material realities of 1920s Berlin. In A Jewish Mother from Berlin, Martha Jadassohn's seemingly conventional life descends into chaos after the brutal rape of her five-year-old daughter. The ethereally beautiful  More >

Thomas Sankara

Jean-Claude Kongo and Leo Zeilig
His image is unmistakable: with beret and broad grin, Thomas Sankara's picture is pasted on run-down taxis and seen on the walls of local bars throughout Africa. Known widely as the African Che Guevara, Sakara was Burkina Faso's president from August 1983 until October 1987, when he was killed in a military coup led by Blaise Compaoré. His revolutionary ideas for African  More >

Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World, Vol. 2: Comparative Experiences

Bahgat Korany, Rex Brynen, and Paul Noble
Drawing on the theoretical insights offered in its companion volume, this book examines the processes of and prospects for political reform in 10 Arab countries—Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen—selected to demonstrate a broad range of contexts, trajectories, and political potentials. The authors have gone beyond the traditional  More >

China in World Politics: Policies, Processes, Prospects, 2nd Edition

Judith F. Kornberg and John R. Faust
Introducing students to China's foreign policy, the authors outline the political, security, economic, and social issues the country faces in the emerging 21st century. Each chapter of the book familiarizes the reader with the Chinese framework for analyzing the issues in question. Alternate policy choices are suggested, along with supporting data for each course of action. Discussion and  More >

The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community

David C. Korten
In his classic When Corporations Rule the World, David Korten focused on the destructive nature of the global corporate economy and helped to spark a worldwide resistance movement. Now, in The Great Turning, he goes further to argue that the corporate consolidation of power is but one manifestation of what he calls "Empire": the organization of society through hierarchy and violence that  More >

The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism

David C. Korten
One of Future Survey's Super 70 books David Korten challenges capitalism's claim to being a means of creating wealth and a champion of democracy as he examines the fissure between the promises of the new global capitalism and the realities of financial insecurity, inequality, social breakdown, and environmental destruction. Rejecting the inevitability of our current trajectory, he  More >
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