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South Africa in Southern Africa: Domestic Change and International Conflict

Edmond J. Keller and Louis A. Picard, editors
South Africa in Southern Africa critically examines the dynamics of political change and conflict in South Africa in both the domestic and international arenas. The assumption that guides the book is that, in order to understand the process of change that is currently unfolding in South Africa, one must understand not only the patterns of race, class, clientelism, and culture inside the country,  More >

Overselling the Web?: Development and the Internet

Charles Kenny
Opinion leaders in government and business routinely tout the Internet's power as a force for economic and social development, and programs designed to bridge the digital divide are springing up across the developing world. Many questions remain, however, about the effectiveness of such programs in fostering greater productivity and improving quality of life. Overselling the Web? offers a much  More >

Striking Back: Overt and Covert Options to Combat Russian Disinformation

Thomas Kent
Energizing the debate on how best to expose and deal with Russian propaganda and disinformation, Thomas Kent goes beyond suggesting simple defensive measures. Kent not only calls for more government and private aid to expose Russian operations, but also describes how new, aggressive messaging campaigns against Russian disinformation could be run, the ethical questions involved, and the pros and  More >

How Russia Loses: Hubris and Miscalculation in Putin’s Kremlin

Thomas Kent
Vladimir Putin's efforts to build influence abroad have succeeded in many places, but the Kremlin has also faced serious hurdles and even defeats. Thomas Kent delves into six cases where hubris and miscalculation led to reversals—some temporary, some permanent—of Russia's fortunes and suggests how understanding the common threads in Russia's self-defeating behavior can be  More >

Senior Citizens Behind Bars: Challenges for the Criminal Justice System

John J. Kerbs and Jennifer M. Jolley, editors
Within two decades—if not sooner—at least one in three prisoners in the US will be a "senior citizen." Our prisons, however, were designed for a much younger population. Senior Citizens Behind Bars critically explores the unique set of challenges that older prisoners pose for the criminal justice system. Examining the lack of fit between the needs of older inmates and the  More >

Religious Faith in Correctional Contexts

Kent R. Kerley
Kent Kerley explores the issue of religion in prison, offering a rich portrait of religious practices and their impacts. Kerley shows how offenders of all stripes use faith to adapt and survive in difficult institutional settings. He sheds light on the complex processes of religious conversion, discusses the development of tools for "staying straight" in and after prison, and reveals  More >

Old Demons, New Debates: Anti-Semitism in the West

David I. Kertzer, editor
National Jewish Book Awards Finalist! Old Demons, New Debates offers a provocative new view of the recent upsurge of anti-Semitism in the West. The authors show how today's anti-Semitism draws on older forms of hatred toward Jews while being fueled by both anti-American and anti-Zionist sentiments—and how, far from being the exclusive province of the ignorant and unlettered, it is  More >

Women and Development in Africa: How Gender Works, 2nd Edition

Michael Kevane
This new edition of Women and Development in Africa incorporates the results of more than a decade of new empirical and theoretical research. Michael Kevane provides a broad overview of the sources of underdevelopment in Africa and the role of gender in economic transactions, as well as a cogent analysis of the gendered realities of such issues as land rights, the control of labor, the marriage  More >

Race and the Death Penalty: The Legacy of "McCleskey v. Kemp"

David P. Keys and R.J. Maratea, editors
In what has been called the Dred Scott decision of our times, the US Supreme Court found in McCleskey v. Kemp that evidence of overwhelming racial disparities in the capital punishment process could not be admitted in individual capital cases—in effect institutionalizing a racially unequal system of criminal justice. Exploring the enduring legacy of this radical decision nearly three  More >

African Foreign Policies: Power and Process

Gilbert M. Khadiagala and Terrence Lyons, editors
This comprehensive treatment of the interplay between domestic and international politics analyzes efforts by African states to manage their external relations amid seismic shifts in the internal, regional, and global environments. The authors' nuanced analysis of foreign policy issues and themes traverses the continent, identifying patterns of change, examining constraints, and giving careful  More >
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