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Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union

David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien, and Lucien van der Walt, editors
The Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU)—the largest black political organization in southern Africa before the 1940s—was active in six African colonies, as well as in global trade union networks. Labour Struggles in Southern Africa provides fresh perspectives on the ICU, exploring its record in the 1920s and 1930s and assessing its achievements and failures in relation  More >

Egyptian Short Stories

edited and translated by Denys Johnson-Davies
Seventeen short stories by such well-known writers as Abdullah, Idris, Mahfouz, Taher, Ibrahim, Sharouni, Fahmy, Sibai, and  More >

Rights and Reconciliation: UN Strategies in El Salvador

Ian Johnstone
Using El Salvador as an example of the UN's recent multidimensional peacekeeping operations, Johnstone explores the delicate balance between the potentially conflicting goals of peace and justice. Johnstone challenges the view that these twin goals are incompatible, attributing the relative (though still incomplete) success of the Salvadoran peace process to the mutually reinforcing  More >

Peacemaking in Rwanda: The Dynamics of Failure

Bruce D. Jones
Bruce Jones investigates why the wide-ranging efforts to forestall genocidal violence in Rwanda in 1994 failed so miserably. Jones traces the individual and collective impact of both official and unofficial mediation efforts, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian aid. Providing theoretical and empirical evidence, he shows that the failure of the peace process was not the result of lack of  More >

State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa

Richard Joseph, editor
This seminal volume explores the most important dimensions of state formation and erosion, social conflict, and the gains and setbacks in democratization in contemporary Africa. The results of nearly a decade of research, reflection, and collegial interaction, the collection delineates the dominant patterns of political restructuring since the upheavals of the early 1990s.    More >

Smart Aid for African Development

Richard Joseph and Alexandra Gillies, editors
Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on foreign aid to sub-Saharan Africa, a sure path to growth and development has not yet been found—and each new heralded approach has crumbled amid regrets and recriminations. The authors of Smart Aid for African Development provide critical assessments of the main components of foreign assistance, considering how smarter use can be made of  More >

Politics Without Process: Administering Development in the Arab World

Jamil E. Jreisat
A candid critique of the institutional systems and practices that define, and in many cases limit, the administrative state in the Arab world, this study centers on the factors contributing to the failure of development efforts. Almost all Arab leaders, points out Jreisat, have promised bureaucratic reforms. However, their political-administrative structures have not succeeded in building the  More >

The Management of UN Peacekeeping: Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations

Julian Junk, Francesco Mancini, Wolfgang Seibel, and Till Blume, eds.
This groundbreaking book brings the insights of organization and public administration theories to the analysis and enhancement of complex peace operations. Focusing on three essential and interrelated aspects of organizations—coordination, learning, and leadership—the authors bridge the gap between research on UN peacekeeping and the realities confronted both in the office and in the  More >

Postconflict Development: Meeting New Challenges

Gerd Junne and Willemijn Verkoren, editors
With the proliferation of civil wars since the end of the Cold War, many developing countries now exist in a "postconflict" environment, posing enormous development challenges for the societies affected, as well as for international actors. Postconflict Development addresses these challenges in a range of vital sectors—security, justice, economic policy, education, the media,  More >

Arabian Love Poems, new edition

Nizar Kabbani, translated by Bassam K. Frangieh and Clementina R.Brown
Nizar Kabbani’s poetry has been described as "more powerful than all the Arab regimes put together" (Lebanese Daily Star). Reflecting on his death in 1998, Sulhi Al-Wadi wrote (in Tishreen), "Qabbani is like water, bread, and the sun in every Arab heart and house. In his poetry the harmony of the heart, and in his blood the melody of love". Arabian Love Poems is the first  More >
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