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Exploring Subregional Conflict: Opportunities for Conflict Prevention

Chandra Lekha Sriram and Zoe Nielsen, editors
The causes of violent conflict, as well as approaches to conflict prevention, have been studied extensively, but only recently has attention been given to the subregional dynamics of internal wars. The authors of this original collection explore conflicts in Africa, Central Asia, and Central America, seeking new insights that can provide the foundation for more nuanced, more effective preventive  More >

From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the Prevention of Violent Conflict

Chandra Lekha Sriram and Karin Wermester, editors
How can the United Nations, regional and subregional organizations, government donors, and other policymakers best apply the tools of conflict prevention to the wide range of intrastate conflict situations actually found in the field? The detailed case studies and analytical chapters in From Promise to Practice offer operational lessons for fashioning strategy and tactics to meet the challenges of  More >

Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: International Law, Local Responses

Tonia St. Germain and Susan Dewey, editors
The authors of this groundbreaking book explore the gap between policy and practice in international responses to conflict-related sexual violence. Drawing on their research in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America, they offer fresh perspectives on, and practical approaches to, achieving justice for women who have survived wartime sexual assault.  More >

The Wave of the Future: The United Nations and Naval Peacekeeping

Robert Stephens Staley II
Though the United Nations will face numerous challenges on the world's oceans in the next decades, it has not yet developed the capability to operate effectively in the areas of maritime peacekeeping or enforcement. This study examines the various regional maritime challenges confronting the United Nations and describes several organizational and experiential models—ranging from  More >

Workers Without Frontiers: The Impact of Globalization on International Migration

Peter Stalker
This unique assessment of a complex and contentious issue brings together the latest information on international migration in the context of a global economy. Redressing a gap in most discussions of globalization, Stalker examines how migration interacts with movements of goods and capital, and how it is closely tied to social and economic changes. He makes starkly clear the major impact that  More >

Enabling Peace in Guatemala: The Story of MINUGUA

William Stanley
William Stanley tells the absorbing story of the UN peace operation in Guatemala's ten-year endeavor (1994-2004) to build conditions that would sustain a lasting peace in the country. Unusual among UN peace efforts because of its largely civilian nature, its General Assembly mandate, and its heavy reliance on UN volunteers to staff field offices, the mission (MINUGUA) focused initially on  More >

Policy, Politics, and Gender: Women Gaining Ground

Kathleen Staudt
Here is a book that finally identifies and develops the connections between women's politics and public policies and practices at national and international levels. Kathleen Staudt focuses on political activism and strategies that have influenced great change in state and international policies. She covers local and global institutions, from NGOs to entire governments and to international  More >

Peacemaking in Civil War: International Mediation in Zimbabwe, 1974-1980

Stephen John Stedman
Challenging the literatures on war termination, civil war, and revolution—which typically dismiss the possibility of negotiated settlement—Stephen Stedman examines the problem of negotiations during civil wars and demonstrates that third party mediation can help resolve such conflicts. Stedman analyzes four international attempts to mediate a settlement to the Zimbabwean civil war of  More >

Ending Civil Wars: The Implementation of Peace Agreements

Stephen John Stedman, Donald Rothchild, and Elizabeth M. Cousens, editors
Why do some peace agreements successfully end civil wars, while others fail? What strategies are most effective in ensuring that warring parties comply with their treaty commitments? Of the various tasks involved in implementing peace agreements, which are the most important? These and related questions—life and death issues for millions of people today—are the subject of Ending Civil  More >

Keeping the Faiths: Religion and Ideology in the Soviet Union

Paul D. Steeves
Topics include religious tradition, competing faiths, religious life and the Gorbachev era.  More >
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