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Love, Sex, and Disability: The Pleasures of Care

Sarah Smith Rainey
In this exploration of intimate relationships between people with physical disabilities and those without, Sarah Smith Rainey shatters the myth of sexless, burdensome partnerships—and in its place reveals a rich and rewarding continuum of emotional and physical intimacies. Rainey draws on interviews, autobiographies, and films to show how disabled/nondisabled couples not only build  More >

Mexico and the United States: The Politics of Partnership

Peter H. Smith and Andrew Selee, editors
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the partnership between Mexico and the United States? What might be done to improve it? Exploring both policy and process, and ranging from issues of trade and development to concerns about migration, the environment, and crime, the authors of Mexico and the United States provide a comprehensive analysis of one of the world’s most complex bilateral  More >

Polarization and the Presidency: From FDR to Barack Obama

Robert C. Smith and Richard A. Seltzer
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Robert Smith and Richard Seltzer offer fresh insights on the decisive, and often surprising, role of presidents and presidential candidates in polarizing US politics.     In a rich, multidimensional narrative, the authors show how presidential rhetoric and policies have served to divide voters along lines of class, party, race, and region. They  More >

The Siege at Hue

George W. Smith
Charged with monitoring the huge civilian press corps that descended on Hue during the Vietnam War’s Tet offensive, US Army Captain George W. Smith witnessed firsthand a vicious twenty-five day battle. Smith recounts in harrowing detail the separate, poorly coordinated wars that were fought in the retaking of the Hue. Notably, he documents the little-known contributions of the South  More >

Women's Work: Gender Equality vs. Hierarchy in the Life Sciences

Laurel Smith-Doerr
Women scientists working in small, for-profit companies are eight times more likely than their university counterparts to head a research lab. Why? Laurel Smith-Doerr reveals that, contrary to widely held assumptions, strong career opportunities for women and minorities do not depend on the formal policies and long job ladders that large, hierarchical bureaucracies provide. In fact, highly  More >

Introducing Global Issues, 7th edition

Michael T. Snarr and D. Neil Snarr, editors
The half-decade since the 6th edition of Introducing Global Issues appeared has seen enormous changes in the international arena, perhaps most notably a move away from multilateral approaches to solving global problems—climate change, the Covid pandemic, conflict-driven migration, and more. Both the impact of those changes and possible paths to collaborative problem solving are at the center  More >

China's Rise and the Two Koreas: Politics, Economics, Security

Scott Snyder
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! With China now South Korea's number one trading partner and destination for foreign investment and tourism, what are the implications for politics and security in East Asia? Scott Snyder explores the transformation of the Sino–South Korean relationship since the early 1990s. Snyder considers the strategic significance of recent developments in  More >

The US-South Korea Alliance: Meeting New Security Challenges

Scott Snyder, editor
How can the United States and South Korea best cooperate to address new security challenges? Can the US-ROK alliance serve to advance South Korea's interests and at the same time help the US to more effectively pursue its own global and regional security objectives? In the context of these questions, the authors explore the possibilities for enhanced cooperation in both traditional and  More >

Maiba: A Novel of Papua New Guinea

Russell Soaba
The only child of the last traditional chief of Makawana village, Maiba struggles to hold her people together in the face of the polarizing forces of convention and modernization. Soaba makes palpable the tensions that arise when rapid change confronts a society that has been stable for many centuries. We also follow his unlikely heroine’s journey as she overcomes the legacy of a neglected  More >

A Small Place in Galilee: Religion and Social Conflict in an Israeli Village

Zvi Sobel
Zvi Sobel's absorbing book draws readers into the world of Yavneel, a small Israeli village that is home to several diverse communities: the established core of settler-farmers, new immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East, and, since 1986, the ultraorthodox Bratslav Hasidim. Yavneel has become a microcosm of Israeli society at large, reflecting the country's social, religious,  More >
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