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Understanding Contemporary Africa, 6th edition

Peter J. Schraeder, editor
The sixth edition of Understanding Contemporary Africa, and the first under the editorship of Peter Schraeder, combines the strengths of the previous editions with coverage of new topics suggested over the years by the many instructors who regularly assign the text in their classes. Entirely new chapters on the politics of public health, the changing roles of women, LGBTIQ rights, environmental  More >

Exporting Democracy: Rhetoric vs. Reality

Peter Schraeder, editor
In recent years, debates within academic and policymaking circles have gradually shifted—from a Cold War focus on whether democracy constitutes the best form of governance, to the question of whether (and to what degree) international actors should be actively involved in democracy promotion. This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of international efforts to promote democracy  More >

Tectonic Shifts: Haiti Since the Earthquake

Mark Schuller and Pablo Morales, editors
Tectonic Shifts offers compelling on-the-ground perspectives on the aftermath of Haiti's cataclysmic earthquake. Following a critical analysis of the country's heightened vulnerability as a result of centuries of underdevelopment and misguided foreign aid interventions, the authors address a range of contemporary realities, foreign impositions, and political changes in the relief and  More >

Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Assault: Challenging the Myths

Corina Schulze, Sarah Koon-Magnin, and Valerie Bryan
Winner of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women & Crime Book Award! The underlying argument of this groundbreaking study is this: Sexual orientation and gender identity influence how sexual assault is experienced, how it is perceived, and ultimately, how victims (and perpetrators) are treated by the criminal justice system. Focusing much of their work on the queer  More >

NATO and the Middle East: In Search of a Strategy

Rolf Schwarz
Over the course of more than seven decades, NATO has sought, but not settled on, an effective strategy for interacting with its neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa. Rolf Schwarz traces the evolution of NATO's engagement with its neighboring region—including the launching of the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative—and assesses its potential for  More >

Understanding the Contemporary Middle East, 5th edition

Jillian Schwedler, editor
The previous edition of Understanding the Contemporary Middle East was published soon after the Arab uprisings, and the authors—writing across disciplines—captured those moments of possibility. Now, more than six years later, the Middle East is substantially changed, with three protracted civil wars, several retrenched authoritarian regimes, possibly one emerging democracy, and social  More >

Corporations vs. the Court: Private Power, Public Interests

David Sciulli
This original book looks methodically at corporate law, corporate governance, and judicial practice from the perspective of social theory. Sciulli explores whether there are identifiable limits—legal or normative—to corporate power in any democratic society; when the corporate judiciary in the U.S. maintains those limits, despite the pressures of intensifying global economic  More >

Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory

Catherine V. Scott
Scott demonstrates that many prevailing ideas about development, dependency, capitalism, and socialism are anchored in the social constructions of gender differences. Early modernization theorists, points out Scott, often juxtaposed modernity and tradition in ways reminiscent of Enlightenment dichotomies that pitted the rational, productive city against the particularistic, fragmented, and  More >

Prices, Products, and People: Analyzing Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries

Gregory J. Scott, editor
Markets for agricultural commodities in developing countries are changing rapidly. Population growth, rural-urban migration, technological innovation, environmental concerns, and policy shifts—both domestic and international—are but a few of the more prominent factors introducing new pressures to which markets must respond. This book addresses the critical task of understanding these  More >

International Law and Politics: Key Documents

Shirley V. Scott, editor
Unique in its breadth of coverage, this carefully designed collection presents the key documents of international law at the global level. The collection encompasses the full spectrum of central issues, with the documents grouped in eight subject areas: foundations, the use of force, arms control, international crime, human rights, humanitarian law, the environment, and the global commons. A  More >
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