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Redefining Mexican "Security": Society, State, and Region Under NAFTA

James F. Rochlin
This pioneering effort to conceptualize unforeseen—and nontraditional—security issues in Mexico confronts what went unaddressed in virtually the entire debate surrounding the NAFTA negotiations: the process of redefining security in Mexico within the context of increased economic integration with the U.S. and Canada. Grappling with the question of what "security" means in  More >

Vanguard Revolutionaries in Latin America: Peru, Colombia, Mexico

James F. Rochlin
During the swan song of the Soviet Union and the immediate aftermath of the Cold War, many insurgent groups that had been dependent on Moscow or Havana quickly faded into political oblivion. But some existing groups, as well as emerging ones, flourished within a new and uncharted political constellation. This comparative study probes the origins and effects of Latin America's most potent  More >

Coalitions and Political Movements: The Lessons of the Nuclear Freeze

Thomas R. Rochon and David S. Meyer, editors
How advanced is our knowledge about the dynamics of political and social activism? What lessons can be learned by studying the rise and fall of particular political and social movements? What insights can be gained by applying the different frameworks and methodologies of political science, sociology, and communications? This original work employs multidisciplinary perspectives to better  More >

The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure—Without Losing Your Soul

Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy
For an African American scholar, who may be the lone minority in a department, navigating the tenure minefield can be a particularly harrowing process. Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy go beyond standard professional resources to serve up practical advice for black faculty intent on playing—and winning—the tenure game. Addressing head-on how power and the thorny politics of  More >

Mexico in the Age of Democratic Revolutions, 1750-1850

Jaime E. Rodriguez O., editor
For a century beginning in the 1750s, Europe and the Americas underwent a series of profound political, economic, and social changes, ushering in the modern era. This book examines the experience of Mexico during that "age of democratic revolutions." Among the specific issues examined in the book are the policies of Jose de Galvez, political transformations in colonial Sonora and  More >

The Challenge of Institutional Reform in Mexico

Riordan Roett, editor
The Salinas administration's reforms in Mexico generated both widespread attention and a host of questions. This book addresses those questions, examining the impact of the recent reforms on the state's relations with key social and political actors—labor, the peasantry, business, political parties, and the church—and assessing reform initiatives in the areas of education,  More >

Mexico's Private Sector: Recent History, Future Challenges

Riordan Roett, editor
Mexico’s private sector continues to confront challenges imposed not only by reforms in the country’s economic and political systems, but also by demands of the international economic community for transparent and fair business dealings. In this book, scholars and business leaders examine the responses to these challenges, weighing the goals of economic reform against its results,  More >

Mercosur: Regional Integration, World Markets

Riordan Roett, editor
This timely volume describes the origins of Mercosur, South America’s dynamic and successful regional integration project, as well as the issues still to be tackled regarding the trade bloc’s expansion, the challenges to its transition from a customs union to the “Common Market of the South,” and its relations with other trade groups and countries (particularly the European  More >

Latin America in a Changing Global Environment

Riordan Roett and Guadalupe Paz, editors
Considering Latin America's emerging challenges and opportunities in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the authors examine key political, economic, and security concerns in the region. They focus both on the changing dynamics within the Western Hemisphere and on Latin America's evolving relationships with international actors and institutions.  More >

Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa

Michael Rogan
In South Africa—with one of highest rates of youth unemployment and one of the most unequal societies in the world—training and education play critical roles in helping young people escape poverty and unemployment. Within this context, offering insights about the ways that young South Africans navigate through a host of postschool training and education options, the contributors to  More >
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