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Invisible Governance: International Secretariats in Global Politics

John Mathiason
John Mathiason, a member of the UN Secretariat for 25 years, offers a behind-the-scenes view of the work of a core, but often "invisible," element of world politics. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of a variety of international organizations, Mathiason traces the evolution of the international public sector, explains how secretariats function, discusses the creation of regimes to  More >

Old and New Battlespaces: Society, Military Power, and War

Jahara Matisek and Buddhika Jayamaha
War is changing. The cybersphere, civil society, outer space ... all are emerging as domains in which battles are fought. What drives this shift? How is it affecting the character and conduct of war? What are the implications for military strategy? As they address these fundamental questions, Jahara Matisek and Buddhika Jayamaha show how today's civil society, technology, and military  More >

The Trickle-Up Economy: How We Take from the Poor and Middle Class and Give to the Rich

Mark Mattern
One of the most durable myths of US political economy is that we take from the rich and give to the poor—penalizing the rich for their hard work and rewarding the undeserving. Mark Mattern turns that story on its head. Documenting the everyday, institutionalized ways that income and wealth are transferred upward in the United States, Mattern shows how in fact the bottom subsidizes the  More >

Enlarging NATO: The National Debates

Gale A. Mattox and Arthur R. Rachwald, editors
Thoroughly examining the deliberations over NATO enlargement in twelve countries—five current members of the alliance; three invited to join in the first round of enlargement; two seeking membership; and Russia and Ukraine, both involved with nato, but unlikely to join—the authors shed light on the political motives leading to each country's position. Their comparative analysis  More >

Understanding and Preventing Car Theft

Michael G. Maxfield and Ronald V. Clarke, editors
Thefts of and from autos are among the most commonly reported crimes, and they account for the highest losses among property crimes that target individuals (except for arson). But according to this new book, recent initiatives in the U.S., Europe and Australia have proven effective or are showing promise in preventing car theft.  More >

Intellectual Property Rights: A Critical History

Christopher May and Susan K. Sell
With intellectual property widely acknowledged today as a key component of economic development, those accused of stealing knowledge and information are also charged with undermining industrial innovation, artistic creativity, and the availability of information itself. How valid are these claims? Has the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement ushered in a new,  More >

Global Corporate Power

Christopher May, editor
Exploring the diverse ways that corporations affect the practices and structures of the global political economy, this innovative work addresses three fundamental questions: How can the corporation be most usefully conceptualized within the field of IPE? Does global governance succeed in constraining the power of multinational corporations? To what extent has the movement for corporate social  More >

US Missile Defense Strategy: Engaging the Debate

Michael Mayer
Why has the United States continued to develop ballistic missile defenses in an era of irregular warfare and asymmetric terrorist threats? How does missile defense contribute to US global strategy? Can the BMD system achieve the goals that lay behind its creation? Michael Mayer addresses these questions in his balanced approach to the contentious debate over the strategic value of missile  More >

G-24: The Developing Countries in the International Financial System

edited by Eduardo Mayobre, Central Bank of Venezuela
Appearing some twenty-five years after the inaugural meeting of the Group of 24, this book relates the efforts made by developing countries in the arena of international monetary issues. A reflection on a quarter-century of both frustration and modest achievement, it deals as well with matters central to the future of global economic relations. The authors, distinguished scholars from developing  More >

The Political Economy of Contract Farming in Zimbabwe

Freedom Mazwi
Freedom Mazwi examines patterns of agricultural finance in Zimbabwe since the radical Fast Track Land Resettlement Programme (FTLRP) was implemented in 2000—and, especially, the varying impact that the FTLRP reforms have had not only on land use, but also on the well-being of farmers. Focusing on contract farming in the tobacco and sugarcane sectors, Mazwi offers penetrating insights into  More >
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