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Folktales from the Gambia: Wolof Fictional Narratives

edited and translated by Emil Magel
These translations of 45 Wolof folktales are remarkable for the way they capture the poignancy, humor, and meaning of their original, oral form. Organized according to their thematic patterns, the stories reveal much about the Wolof people’s relationship with their environment, their beliefs about causality, and their social values, morality, and customs. Including a general introduction and  More >

Politics in Contemporary Portugal: Democracy Evolving

José M. Magone
José Magone provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Portuguese democracy, highlighting the country’s achievements and failures across four decades. Magone briefly traces Portugal's political history and provides socioeconomic context before turning his attention to a range of key areas: from political structures and public administration to political culture,  More >

The Contagion of Matter

Valerio Magrelli, translated by Anthony Molino
His works having already been translated the world over into as many as six different languages from their original Italian, Valerio Magrelli is one of the most innovative and exciting poets writing today. Hailed by figures as diverse as Octavio Paz and Dana Gioia, Magrelli is widely regarded as the foremost Italian poet of his generation. This latest collection of his poetry, translated into  More >

Contemporary African Politics and Development: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1981-1990

complied by Vijitha Mahadevan with the staff of UCLA's African Bibliography Project
This invaluable research tool is a systematic, comprehensive analysis of books, monographs, journals, and edited volumes dealing with African political affairs and socioeconomic development. The bibliography contains more than 16,000 citations (both English and French sources are included) covering material published from 1981 through 1990. Chapters in edited volumes are treated as individual  More >

Fountain and Tomb [a novel]

Naguib Mahfouz, translated by Soad Sobhi, Essam Fattouh, and James Kenneson
"I enjoy playing in the small square between the archway and the takiya [monastery] where the Sufis live. Like all the other children, I admire the mulberry trees in the takiya garden, the only bit of green in the whole neighborhood. Our tender hearts yearn for their dark berries. But it stands like a fortress, this takiya, circled by its garden wall. Its stern gate is broken and always, like  More >

Comparative Politics: Exploring Concepts and Institutions Across Nations, 6th edition

Gregory S. Mahler
Among the many tools available for teaching comparative politics, Gregory Mahler's text stands out for its unique exploration of concepts, structures, and illustrative cases. The first part of the book, after setting the stage with a discussion of comparison as a method of inquiry, focuses on the core institutions that affect politics within nations, as well as on political behavior and  More >

Unarmed Bodyguards: International Accompaniment for the Protection of Human Rights

Liam Mahony and Luis Enrique Eguren
For years international accompaniment has been successfully implemented as a way to protect threatened human rights activists throughout the world. In this book, Mahoney and Eguren present examples of the inspirational practice from Latin America, the Caribbean, and South Asia. Interviews with those involved in international accompaniment, with the individuals who were being protected, and with  More >

From Political Won't to Political Will: Building Support for Participatory Governance

Carmen Malena, editor
Citizens in both the North and the South lack opportunities, rights, and access to information and have expressed growing disillusionment with their governments. Ordinary citizens (especially women, poor people and other marginalized groups) are largely excluded from the political processes that directly affect their lives. There is now growing consensus that good governance is participatory  More >

China and India: Great Power Rivals

Mohan Malik
Despite burgeoning trade and cultural links, China and India remain fierce competitors in a world of global economic rebalancing, power shifts, resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and other transnational security threats. Mohan Malik explores this increasingly important and complex relationship, grounding his analysis in the history of the two countries. Malik describes a geopolitical  More >

Venezuela’s Polarized Politics: The Paradox of Direct Democracy Under Chávez

Ana L. Mallen and María Pilar García-Guadilla
During Hugo Chávez's presidency, Venezuelan society underwent a sudden—and vicious—split between the Chavistas and the Opposition. What accounts for the extreme intensity of the split? How did differences so quickly become irreconcilable? What role did the media play? Answering these and related questions, Ana Mallen and María Pilar García-Guadilla explore how  More >
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