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Africa's Stalled Development: International Causes and Cures

David K. Leonard and Scott Straus
This thoughtful discussion probes the international roots of Africa's civil conflicts and lackluster economies. Analyzing an unwitting system that creates a set of incentives inimical to development, the authors offer a new way of thinking about Africa's development dilemmas and the policy options for addressing them.   Weak states, aid dependence, crushing debt, and enclave  More >

Sexual Harassment Online: Shaming and Silencing Women in the Digital Age

Tania G. Levey
Women who use social media are often subjected to blatant sexual harassment, facing everything from name calling to threats of violence. Aside from being disturbing, what does this abuse tell us about gender and sexual norms? And can we use the Internet to resist, even transform, destructive misogynistic norms? Exploring the language of shaming and silencing women in the cybersphere, Tania  More >

Fighting Back: Lithuanian Jewry’s Armed Resistance to the Nazis, 1941–1945

Dov Levin, translated from the Hebrew by Moshe Kohn and Dina Cohen
Fighting Back chronicles the activities of the Lithuanian Jews who fought against the Nazis—in the Soviet army, in the forests, in the ghettos of Vilna, Kovno, Shavli, and Svencian, and even in the concentration camps. Dov Levin, a member of the Kovno ghetto underground and then a fighter with the Lithuanian partisans, brings both meticulous scholarship and his own personal experience to  More >

Children of a Bitter Harvest: Child Labour in the Cape Winelands

Susan Levine
Sharing more than a hundred interconnected stories, Susan Levine memorably documents moments in the everyday lives of children who worked in the heart of South Africa's wine industry between 1996 and 2010. The children introduced in the book—if they survived AIDS—are now young adults in a new South Africa that ostensibly offers possibilities for overcoming the shackles of race  More >

Politics, Religion, and Society in Latin America

Daniel H. Levine
Long assumed to be an unchanging and unquestioned bulwark of established power and privilege, religion in Latin America has diversified and flourished, while taking on new social and political roles in more open societies. How did this change occur? Why did churches in the region embrace new ideas about rights, sponsor social movements, and become advocates for democracy? Are further changes on  More >

The Quality of Democracy in Latin America

Daniel H. Levine and José E. Molina, editors
In considering the nature and future prospects of the current wave of democracies in Latin America, analysis has shifted from a concern with regime change, transitions, and consolidation to a focus on the quality of these democracies. To what extent, for example, do citizens participate and influence decisionmaking? Are elections free and fair? Are there ways of ensuring government  More >

Conversion to Islam

Nehemia Levtzion, editor

Coping with Crisis in African States

Peter M. Lewis and John W. Harbeson, editors
Although large-scale conflicts, political upheavals, and social violence are common problems throughout Africa, individual countries vary greatly in both their susceptibility to these crises and their capacities for responding effectively. What accounts for this variance? How do crises emerge, and how are they resolved? When are unexpected events most likely to spiral into crisis? Are there  More >

Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies

David Lewis and David Mosse, editors
The contributors to Development Brokers and Translators, all anthropologists with practical experience in development work, show how ethnography can be an indispensable tool for understanding the complex and dynamic relationships among communities, ideas, resources, and development agencies.  More >

New Roles and Relevance: Development NGOs and the Challenge of Change

David Lewis and Tina Wallace, editors
The authors of New Roles and Relevance explore the challenges faced by development NGOs as they seek to achieve greater relevance, improved accountability, and better performance in the fight against global poverty.  More >
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