Religion in Politics and Society

The Metrics of Faith: Rethinking Religion's Role in US Politics
Matthew R. Miles

The teachings of most religions typically promote unity and love, yet those same religions often contribute to divisiveness, and even violence, in US politics. Addressing this apparent    More >

Religion and Congress: The Intersection of Faith and Politics
David A. Dulio and Colton C. Campbell, editors

The US Congress has long reflected the intersection of faith and politics, with religious convictions often informing legislative agendas. The authors of Religion and Congress examine that    More >

Pentecostal Charismatic Women: Constructions of Femininity in Alexandra Township
Tumi Mampane

Drawing on her own experiences, Tumi Mampane provides deep insights into the daily lives of women in a South African Pentecostal community. Equally, she relates those insights to    More >

Islam in Russia: Religion, Politics, and Society
Gregory Simons, Marat Shterin, and Eric Shiraev, editors

Russia's Muslims, numbering some 15 million, constitute far from a homogeneous sociopolitical group. So ... What does it mean to be a Muslim in Russia today?  How is the image of    More >

The Muslims of Latin America and the Caribbean
Ken Chitwood

Winner of the Religion News Association's Award for Best Nonfiction Religion Book! The "Muslim World" is often narrowly conceived as tied to the Middle East and North    More >

Religion and Politics on the World Stage: An IR Approach
Lynda K. Barrow

The premise of this new text is straightforward: Religion matters in world politics. Therefore, to comprehend the world around us, we need to understand how and why religion matters, analyze    More >

When Religion Kills: How Extremists Justify Violence Through Faith
Phil Gurski

Christian fundamentalists. Hindu nationalists. Islamic jihadists. Buddhist militants. Jewish extremists. Members of these and other religious groups have committed horrific acts of terrorist    More >

Religious Identity in US Politics
Matthew R. Miles

While existing scholarship addresses the influence of religious affiliation on political attitudes and behaviors in the United States, a number of puzzling questions remain unanswered. In    More >

What Is Political Islam?
Jocelyne Cesari

Honorable mention for ISA's Religion and International Relations Section Book Award! The debate continues unabated: Is political Islam decipherable through the tenets of the Islamic    More >

Islamism: A New Totalitarianism
Mehdi Mozaffari

What exactly is Islamism? And what explains its violent expansion in recent decades? Why are Islamists so determined to change the world order? Are there similarities between Islamism and    More >

Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Abridged Edition, with a New Introduction
Benjamin Braude, editor

How did the vast Ottoman Empire, stretching from the Balkans to the Sahara, endure for more than four centuries despite its great ethnic and religious diversity? The classic work on this    More >

The Jews of Latin America, 3rd Edition
Judith Laikin Elkin

When it was first published in 1980, Judith Laikin Elkin's foundational book on the Jewish communities of Latin America quickly became the standard resource on the topic. This new    More >

Politics, Religion, and Society in Latin America
Daniel H. Levine

Long assumed to be an unchanging and unquestioned bulwark of established power and privilege, religion in Latin America has diversified and flourished, while taking on new social and    More >

The Emerging Church: Religion at the Margins
Josh Packard

If a church resists rules, rituals, and dogma, what holds it together? Josh Packard explores the inner workings of the Emerging Church, revealing how a movement that rejects organizational    More >

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