Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc

Governing the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Between State Socialism and the European Union
John A. Scherpereel

Why do democratic leaders sometimes choose not to establish institutions that would promote the consolidation of democracy? And what are the consequences of those choices? Focusing on the    More >

Security and Sovereignty in the Former Soviet Union
Ruth Deyermond

Among the contentious issues that come into play in relations between Russia and the other post-Soviet states, security concerns are arguably at the top of the list. Ruth Deyermond explores    More >

Transacting Transition: The Micropolitics of Democracy Assistance in the Former Yugoslavia
Keith Brown, editor

Focusing on cases of international intervention in Kosovo, Serbia, and Macedonia, the authors of Transacting Transition explore how the mission and vision of "democracy promotion"    More >

Little Mother of Russia: A Biography of Empress Marie Fedorovna
Coryne Hall

Coryn Hall presents us with a new and accessible biography of Empress Maire Fedorovna, who was married to Tsar Alexander III of Russia, and mother to Nicholas II . This insightful    More >

Human Rights in Russia: A Darker Side of Reform
Jonathan Weiler

The connection between Soviet authoritarianism and human rights violations once seemed unassailable, as did the belief that a transition away from communist rule would lead to better    More >

Political Parties in the Regions of Russia: Democracy Unclaimed
Grigorii V. Golosov

Political parties typically are assumed to be essential for contemporary democratic government and governance. Why, then, has the regime change in Russia failed to produce viable political    More >

Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities
Paul van Tongeren, Hans van de Veen, and Juliette Verhoeven, editors

Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia offers much-needed insight into the possibilities for effective conflict prevention and peacebuilding throughout the region. Presenting surveys of    More >

Kosovo: An Unfinished Peace
William G. O'Neill

Despite the deployment of NATO forces in Kosovo and the UN's direct involvement in governing the province, such terrors as murder, disappearances, bombings, and arson have become routine    More >

Toward Peace in Bosnia: Implementing the Dayton Accords
Elizabeth M. Cousens and Charles K. Cater

When the Dayton peace agreement was signed in 1995, there were expectations among the signatories, the Bosnian population, and the international community alike that the pact would not only    More >

Ties That Bind, Ties That Divide: 100 Years of Hungarian Experience in the United States
Julianna Puskás, editor, translated by Zora Ludwig

In Ties That Bind, Ties That Divide, Juliana Puskás, a prominent scholar on immigration, examines the Hungarian-American experience. Often overshadowed by the stories of other    More >

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