Latin America and the Caribbean

Redefining Mexican "Security": Society, State, and Region Under NAFTA
James F. Rochlin

This pioneering effort to conceptualize unforeseen—and nontraditional—security issues in Mexico confronts what went unaddressed in virtually the entire debate surrounding the    More >

Dele's Child [a novel]
O.R. Dathorne

Guyana-born poet-novelist Dathorne’s powerful work, set against the background of a revolution, both political and spiritual, is a compelling account of the search for ancestry and    More >

Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil:  Toward a New Interpretation of Latin America
Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This is a book about the economic crisis that took hold of Brazil and the rest of Latin America in the 1980s, its political consequences, and the economic    More >

Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas
Gordon Mace and Jean-Philippe Thérien, editors

This comparative analysis of foreign policy behavior in the Americas focuses on the emerging trend toward regionalism. Following a discussion of the phenomenon of regionalism in general,    More >

A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central America
Michael E. Conroy, Douglas L. Murray, and Peter M. Rosset

Neither structural adjustment policies, nor industrialization, nor traditional agricultural exports have led to sustained economic growth and social equity in Central America. Seeking to    More >

Finally . . . Us: Contemporary Black Brazilian Women Writers
Miriam Alves, editor and translated by Carolyn Richardson Durham

This is the first time that the literary works of contemporary Afro-Brazilian women have been compiled presenting a comprehensive vision of what it means to be both black and female in    More >

Legislatures and the New Democracies in Latin America
David Close, editor

Legislatures are indispensable parts of constitutional liberal democracies, controlling and criticizing the executive while voicing a wide range of opinions on public issues. This book    More >

Latin America's Economic Development:  Confronting Crisis, 2nd Edition
James L. Dietz, editor

This revised edition of Latin America's Economic Development continues to provide a heterodox perspective on Latin America's economic problems, with institutional and    More >

The Paradox of the Mexican State:  Rereading Sovereignty from Independence toNAFTA
Julie A. Erfani

Exploring the contradictory nature of Mexican statehood, Erfani explains how a weak national state became a symbol of great domestic strength and, although failing in its domestic economic    More >

Coping with Capital Surges: The Return of Finance to Latin America
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Stephany Griffith-Jones, editors

Private capital flows to Latin America have increased dramatically since 1989, approximately doubling in volume each year. This book examines the possible causes and consequences of the    More >

The Ecopolitics of Development in the Third World
Robert P. Guimarães

Choice Outstanding Academic Book Honorable Mention, 1992 Sprout Award Equally a study of the ecological foundations of political systems and a detailed analysis of how a particular    More >

The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 3, The Caribbean Development Bank
Chandra Hardy

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of    More >

Key to an Enigma: British Sources Disprove British Claims to theFalkland/Malvinas
Angel M. Oliveri López

This unusual analysis of the Falkland/Malvinas dispute relies almost entirely on British sources to refute British claims to the islands. Oliveri López draws on official government    More >

The Challenge of Institutional Reform in Mexico
Riordan Roett, editor

The Salinas administration's reforms in Mexico generated both widespread attention and a host of questions. This book addresses those questions, examining the impact of the recent    More >

Regulation and the Informal Economy: Microenterprises in Chile, Ecuador, and Jamaica
edited by Victor E. Tokman and Emilio Klein

The extent to which the regulatory environment in developing countries influences the characteristics and growth potential of the urban informal sector is an issue much debated today, in    More >

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