
Migrant Labour After Apartheid: The Inside Story
Leslie J Bank, Dorrit Posel, and Francis Wilson, eds.

A large portion of South Africa's population remains double rooted—many South Africans live in an urban area, but also have access to a rural homestead to which they periodically    More >

From Cape to Congo: Southern Africa's Evolving Security Challenges
Mwesiga Baregu and Christopher Landsberg, editors

From the ongoing war in Angola, to sporadic instability in Zimbabwe and Lesotho, to the conflict in Congo, to issues of land reform and the ravages of AIDS, southern Africa faces varied and    More >

Legislative Power in Emerging African Democracies
Joel D. Barkan, editor

A puzzle underpins this groundbreaking study of legislative development in Africa: Why are variations in the extent of legislative authority and performance across the continent only    More >

Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa
Loretta E. Bass

Although both media and scholarly attention to the use of child labor has focused on Asia and Latin America, the highest incidence of the practice is found in Africa, where one in three    More >

Great Ideas for Teaching About Africa
Misty L. Bastian and Jane L. Parpart, editors

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This award-winning book presents a wealth of ideas for teaching African studies in a variety of disciplines. The authors present a wide range of    More >

Women in African Parliaments
Gretchen Bauer and Hannah E. Britton, editors

Working together across religious, ethnic, and class divisions, African women are helping to formulate legislation and foster democracies more inclusive of womens' interests. Women in    More >

Politics in Southern Africa: Transition and Transformation, 2nd Edition
Gretchen Bauer and Scott D. Taylor

The developments of the past seven years are reflected throughout this thoroughly revised edition of Politics in Southern Africa. Bauer and Taylor systematically examine politics and    More >

Resisting Radicalization: Exploring the Nonoccurrence of Violent Extremism
Morten Bøås, Gilad Ben-Nun, Ulf Engel, and Kari Osland, editors

Precarious living conditions across the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa create fertile ground for radical ideas. Yet, despite genuine grievances and legitimate grounds for anger,    More >

Capital Cities in Africa: Power and Powerlessness
Simon Bekker and Göran Therborn, editors

Capital cities today remain central to both nations and states. They host centers of political power, not only national, but in some cases regional and global as well, thus offering major    More >

East Africa and the Horn: Confronting Challenges to Good Governance
Dorina A. Bekoe, editor

Both the obstacles to governance and the opportunities for democratization confronted in East Africa—with its geostrategic importance, porous borders, governments heavily dependent on    More >

Shattered Vision [a novel]
Rabah Belamri, translated by Hugh A. Harter

The violence of war leads to the euphoria of Algeria's newly won independence from France—and then quickly deteriorates into a harsh and cynical reality in this brutal yet lyrical    More >

Djibouti: A Political History
Samson Abebe Bezabeh

Wedged between Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, at the intersection of the world’s busiest shipping routes, Djibouti has long been a global geostrategic hub. Samson Bezabeh traces the    More >

New African Thinkers: Culture at the Heart of Sustainable Development
Olga Bialostocka, editor

In New African Thinkers, young scholars from across Africa discuss their vision for the social, political, and economic future of their continent. A unifying element running throughout their    More >

New African Thinkers: Drivers of Change
Olga Bialostocka and Thokozani Simelane, editors

Emerging scholars from across Africa focus on the multiple innovative ways through which Africa has been confronting challenges. The chapters cover peace and security including democracy and    More >

Hands Off Our Grants: Defending the Constitutional Right to Social Protection
Black Sash

In 2012, South Africa's social welfare system came under attack. Enormous sums of money were siphoned from South African Social Security Agency accounts—allegedly with the    More >

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