Europe and the European Union

Jean Monnet: Unconventional Statesman
Sherrill Brown Wells

How did Jean Monnet, an entrepreneurial internationalist who never held an elective office, never joined a political party, and never developed any significant popular following in his    More >

Conflict in Macedonia: Exploring a Paradox in the Former Yugoslavia
Sasho Ripiloski

How did Macedonia attain its status as the only Yugoslav republic to achieve a nonviolent transition to independence in the early 1990s? And why did the initial peace fail to    More >

The Politics of Privatization: Wealth and Power in Postcommunist Europe
John A. Gould

In this remarkable story of postcommunist politics gone wrong, John Gould explores privatization’s role in the scramble for wealth and power in postcommunist Europe. Gould engages    More >

Promoting Democracy in Postcommunist Ukraine: The Contradictory Outcomes of US Aid to Women’s NGOs
Kateryna Pishchikova

Considerable material and human resources are devoted to building democratic institutions around the world. Why, then, do assistance programs fail to meet their proclaimed goals? And why    More >

Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration, 4th edition
Desmond Dinan

In the years since the third edition of Ever Closer Union was published, the EU saw the ratification and implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, further enlargement, leadership changes, policy    More >

The European Union and the Global South
Fredrik Söderbaum and Patrik Stålgren, editors

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! The development of coherent and effective relations with other regions and countries is one of the most challenging tasks faced by the European Union.    More >

Dismantling Social Europe: The Political Economy of Social Policy in the European Union
Daniel V. Preece

Why is neoliberalism winning out as a social policy in the European Union? Daniel Preece demonstrates how, despite the commitment to "Social Europe" that has been entrenched in the    More >

Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policymaking
Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun, editors

Do the traditional tools of governance make sense in the decidedly nontraditional political entity that is the European Union? Or are the realities of the unique EU system generating new,    More >

European Politics: The Making of Democratic States
Walter C. Opello, Jr., and Katherine A. R. Opello

This innovative text explores the nature of European politics in the context of the origin and institutional development of the European state system.  Underlying the analysis are a    More >

Governing the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Between State Socialism and the European Union
John A. Scherpereel

Why do democratic leaders sometimes choose not to establish institutions that would promote the consolidation of democracy? And what are the consequences of those choices? Focusing on the    More >

EU Enlargement and the Transatlantic Alliance: A Security Relationship in Flux
Sven Biscop and Johan Lembke, editors

What is the interplay between EU enlargement and a fluctuating transatlantic security partnership? Will the accession of new EU members reinforce this partnership, or instead increase the    More >

Crafting EU Security Policy: In Pursuit of a European Identity
Stephanie B. Anderson

In the absence of external security threats—and especially given that most of the EU member states are also members of NATO—what explains the European Union's commitment to a    More >

The New European Union: Confronting the Challenges of Integration
Steve Wood and Wolfgang Quaisser

This concise but wide-ranging work explores the major political, economic, and strategic challenges confronting the European Union in the context of a rapidly changing geopolitical    More >

Europe at Bay: In the Shadow of US Hegemony
Alan W. Cafruny and J. Magnus Ryner

Europe at Bay was completed just before the onset of the financial crisis, and two years before the Eurozone crisis emerged. In contrast to mainstream European integration scholarship that    More >

The Europeans: Political Identity in an Emerging Polity
David Michael Green

To what extent and for what reasons do citizens of the European Union think of themselves not as French or German or Polish or ... , but as European? How have the answers changed over time?    More >

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