Europe and the European Union
Do ethnic minority politicians play a meaningful role in Western Europe? How do European publics feel about nonwhite politicians? How are political parties reaching out to ethnic minority More >
Political parties typically are assumed to be essential for contemporary democratic government and governance. Why, then, has the regime change in Russia failed to produce viable political More >
In this remarkable story of postcommunist politics gone wrong, John Gould explores privatization’s role in the scramble for wealth and power in postcommunist Europe. Gould engages More >
To what extent and for what reasons do citizens of the European Union think of themselves not as French or German or Polish or ... , but as European? How have the answers changed over time? More >
Analyzing some thirty policy decisions across three countries and five decades, Sieglinde Gstöhl considers why some countries continue to be "reluctant More >
Europe in the New Century is an intriguing look at the future, drawing on the experience and foresight of the leading journalists working in Europe today, as well as the visions of heads of More >
How did the European Union come to be the global leader in setting data privacy standards? And what is the significance of this development? Dorothee Heisenberg traces the origins of the More >
With the Bundesbank now the dominant German actor in international monetary cooperation, Germany’s partner states have begun to consider the requirements of the bank—rather than More >
Tackling the alphabet soup of European Union treaties, structures, and policies, this straightforward introduction demystifies the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Hosli More >
What makes some multiethnic states integrate and others descend into civil war? Ishiyama and Breuning extend traditional explanations centered on socioeconomic, cultural, and historical More >
Why has political corruption emerged as a major obstacle to successful democratic consolidation in Eastern Europe? Exploring the origins, scope, and impact of political corruption in the More >
The shift in executive power from the European Union's member states to Brussels raises profound questions for Europe's social democratic parties as they seek to remain relevant More >
The struggle between those who seek a more integrated, and even a federal, Europe and those proposing a looser confederation was once again highlighted at the 1996-1997 Intergovernmental More >
Why is Germany prepared to sacrifice the deutsche mark for European Monetary Union? Peter Loedel’s novel analysis, incorporating domestic, European, and global aspects of German More >
José Magone provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Portuguese democracy, highlighting the country’s achievements and failures across four decades. Magone More >