Peace and Conflict

Dissent from War
Robert Ivie

The rhetorical presumption of war's necessity, observes Robert Ivie, functions to shame anyone who opposes military action and to portray dissenters as threats to national security.    More >

Civil War and the Rule of Law: Security, Development, Human Rights
Agnès Hurwitz with Reyko Huang, editors

How do rule of law programs contribute to conflict management? What strategies best address the challenges to securing the rule of law in fragile countries? What place do rule of law    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2008
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Peace through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World
Neil Arya and Joanna Santa Barbara, editors

The idea of working for peace through the health sector has sparked many innovative programs, described expertly and accessibly in Peace Through Health by professionals in the field.    More >

Building States to Build Peace
Charles T. Call with Vanessa Wyeth, editors

How can legitimate and sustainable states best be established in the aftermath of civil wars? And what role should international actors play in supporting the vital process? Addressing    More >

Humanitarianism Under Fire: The US and UN Intervention in Somalia
Kenneth R. Rutherford

Humanitarianism Under Fire is a candid, detailed narrative of the international humanitarian intervention in Somalia—an intervention that became a deadly test of the UN’s ability    More >

Islam and Peacemaking in the Middle East
Nathan C. Funk and Abdul Aziz Said

Islam and Peacemaking in the Middle East begins with a set of provocative questions: How, for example, do Muslims conceive of peace? To what degree do differences in the interpretation of    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2009
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Peace, Justice, and Security Studies: A Curriculum Guide, 7th edition
Timothy A. McElwee, B. Welling Hall, Joseph Liechty, and Julie Garber editors

Fully revised to reflect the realities of the post–September 11 world, this acclaimed curricular reference provides a comprehensive review of the field of peace, justice, and security    More >

Building Peace: Practical Reflections from the Field
Craig Zelizer and Robert A. Rubinstein, editors

A project of the Alliance for Peacebuilding, this book presents 13 stories of innovative—and effective—peacebuilding practices from around the world.    More >

Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in East Timor
James DeShaw Rae

Did the United Nations successfully help to build a just, peaceful state and society in postconflict East Timor? Has transitional justice satisfied local demands for accountability and/or    More >

Security and Development: Searching for Critical Connections
Neclâ Tschirgi, Michael S. Lund, and Francesco Mancini, editors

Although policymakers and practitioners alike have enthusiastically embraced the idea that security and development are interdependent, the precise nature and implications of the dynamic    More >

For the Love of God: NGOs and Religious Identity in a Violent World
Shawn Teresa Flanigan

Shawn Teresa Flanigan looks at the role of faith-based nonprofit organizations (FBOs) in the context of international development to explore the ways that history and religious identity have    More >

Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment
Thania Paffenholz, editor

Responding to the burgeoning interest in the role of civil society in peace processes, this groundbreaking collaborative effort identifies the constructive functions of civil society in    More >

The Police in War: Fighting Insurgency, Terrorism, and Violent Crime
David H. Bayley and Robert M. Perito

Frustrated efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan give urgency to the question of how to craft effective, humane, and legitimate security institutions in conflict-ridden states—and    More >

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