Sociology (all books)

Race, Class, and the State in Contemporary Sociology: The William Julius Wilson Debates
Jack Niemonen

A comprehensive guide to the current race-class debate in sociology, Race,Class, and the State traces the evolution of the controversy and analyzes current trends in the field. Focusing on    More >

Borderlands of Blindness
Beth Omansky

A person may be legally blind, yet not "blind enough" to qualify for social services. Beth Omansky explores the lives of legally blind people to show how society responds to those    More >

The Emerging Church: Religion at the Margins
Josh Packard

If a church resists rules, rituals, and dogma, what holds it together? Josh Packard explores the inner workings of the Emerging Church, revealing how a movement that rejects organizational    More >

Surviving Katrina: The Experiences of Low-Income African American Women
Jessica Warner Pardee

Jessica Pardee documents and examines the experiences of low-income African American women during Hurricane Katrina to uncover the ways that race, class, and gender shape the experiences of    More >

Equal Work, Unequal Careers: African Americans in the Workforce
Rochelle Parks-Yancy

Why do some people get ahead in the workplace, while others, equally qualified, fall behind? Rochelle Parks-Yancy uses the experience of African American workers across the US to reveal how    More >

Meth Mania: A History of Methamphetamine
Nicholas L. Parsons

Ice. Methedrine. Crank. Crystal. Whatever its guise, the social and political contexts of methamphetamine share a certain uniqueness. Nicholas Parsons chronicles the history and mythology of    More >

The High Life: Club Kids, Harm and Drug Policy
Dina Perrone

Why do well-educated young professionals engage in frequent and intensive drug use at dance clubs? And how do they protect themselves from drug-related illnesses and involvement with the    More >

Reverse Discrimination: Dismantling the Myth
Fred L. Pincus

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! How pervasive is reverse discrimination in the United States today? What exactly is "affirmative action"? Fred Pincus investigates the nature and    More >

Understanding Diversity: An Introduction, 3rd edition
Fred L. Pincus and Bryan R. Ellis

What is diversity? How does prejudice show itself? What are the societal consequences of discrimination? Has anything changed over the past 50 years? These are just some of the questions    More >

Guns, Violence, and Criminal Behavior: The Offender’s Perspective
Mark Pogrebin, Paul B. Stretesky, and N. Prabha Unnithan

How are guns used and viewed by criminals? Where do criminals obtain guns? And how do laws make firearms more or less accessible? Confronting these contentious questions, Guns, Violence, and    More >

Borrowing Inequality: Race, Class, and Student Loans
Derek V. Price

As the cost of higher education continues to rise, students increasingly rely on borrowing to pay for college. But is the result the improved socioeconomic position that they anticipate?    More >

Shots Fired: Gun Violence in the United States
Howard Rahtz

Mass killings. Gang violence. Street crimes. Suicides. Accidental shootings. The United States is enduring a literal epidemic of gun violence. Howard Rahtz, drawing on decades of experience    More >

Mobility Impairment and the Construction of Identity
Heather Ridolfo and Brian W. Ward

Heather Ridolfo and Brian Ward explore the experiences of people with impaired mobility, enhancing our understanding of why some embrace a disabled identity, why others reject it, and the    More >

Journeys Out of Homelessness: The Voices of Lived Experience
Jamie Rife and Donald W. Burnes

How do individuals move from being homeless to finding safe, stable, and secure places to live? Can we recreate the conditions that helped them most? What policies are needed to support what    More >

Coalitions and Political Movements: The Lessons of the Nuclear Freeze
Thomas R. Rochon and David S. Meyer, editors

How advanced is our knowledge about the dynamics of political and social activism? What lessons can be learned by studying the rise and fall of particular political and social movements?    More >

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