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The Politics of Human Rights in Egypt and Jordan

Bosmat Yefet
Why did human rights claims have such a limited impact on the authoritarian status quo in the Middle East prior to the Arab Spring—and why are they so often thwarted now? What factors have shaped human rights debates and outcomes in the region? Addressing these questions, Bosmat Yefet offers a comparative analysis, both empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated, of the forces  More >

Human Rights in International Politics: An Introduction

Franke Wilmer
This comprehensive introduction to the study of human rights in international politics blends concrete developments with theoretical inquiry, illuminating both in the process. Franke Wilmer presents the nuts and bolts of human rights concepts, actors, and implementation before grappling with issues ranging from war and genocide to social and economic needs to racial and religious  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 1: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis.  Volume 1 traces the unfolding of the congress movement from its beginnings early in the 20th Century and looks at socialist and other forces that played an integral part in its formation. The 1918-1920 upsurge, which included  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 2: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 2 examines the intricate development of the ICU and the ANC in the second half of the 1920s. Various trends of reformism and radicalism affected these two organizations. This later led to the beginning of the breakup of the  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 3: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 3 explores how the ANC emerges and stps into its primary role as a national liberation movement resulting from a complex process stretching from the 1920s to the beginning of the 1960s. A key theme in this context is the  More >

Introducing Social Stratification: The Causes and Consequences of Inequality

Kasturi DasGupta
Does everyone in the US have an equal chance to "make it"?  What explains the enduring power of racism and sexism? How does our sociopolitical system generate inequality? These are just a few of the questions explored in this accessible introduction to the complex problem of social stratification. Kasturi DasGupta clearly explains the social and economic mechanisms that serve to  More >

Disrupting Criminal Networks: Network Analysis in Crime Prevention

Gisela Bichler and Aili E. Malm, editors
Tackling issues that range from disruptive street gangs to online illicit markets, the authors use the insights of network analysis—a sophisticated methodology for illuminating individual and group interconnections—to suggest practical, highly targeted ways to prevent criminal behavior.  More >

Politics and Culture in Contemporary Iran: Challenging the Status Quo

Abbas Milani and Larry Diamond, editors
Despite the relative calm apparent in Iran today, there is unmistakable evidence of political, social, and cultural ferment stirring beneath the surface. The authors of Politics and Culture in Contemporary Iran—a group of scholars, activists, and artists—explore that unrest and its challenge to the legitimacy and stability of the present authoritarian regime. Ranging from political  More >

Tapping Philanthropy for Development: Lessons Learned from a Public-Private Partnership in Rural Uganda

Lorna Michael Butler and Della E. McMillan, editors
In telling the story of an innovative program based at Iowa State University (ISU), Lorna Michael Butler, Della McMillan, and their colleagues offer practical, step-by-step advice critical for any organization seeking to fund and manage multifaceted, public-private partnerships for development. The story begins when the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at ISU received large gifts from  More >

Metaracism: Explaining the Persistence of Racial Inequality

Carter A. Wilson
The black/white gaps in income, education, and wealth are expanding. Prisons are crowded with black men. There is an increasing concentration of urban poverty. While individuals and communities reject biological determinism and find bigotry offensive, structural inequalities remain. Why? Addressing this fundamental question, Carter Wilson focuses on the elusive dynamics of contemporary  More >
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